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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Horegallu by (31.3k points)
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Imagine that your teacher asks you to narrate a situation in which a person acted as a horegallu or Ratna in your life and helped you to relieve you o your sorrows. How would you narrate that experience?

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by (30.9k points)
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I had a sister whom I loved very much. She too loved me deeply. One day as she was going to school in the school bus, the bus collided with a truck and my sister was seriously injured. She was rushed to the hospital. She had a serious head injury and a surgery was done. We all prayed for her but the doctors could do nothing to save her. She died a couple of days later. I could not accept her death and my mind was always thinking about her. I was quite depressed and I lost interest even in my studies.

Then a distant relative of mine came to my house. He asked me why I always looked so morose and melancholic. I told him the reason for my sorrow. He asked me to tell him the incident in detail. I told him everything in complete details. He did not ask me any question but he listened to my story very sympathetically. At last he told me, “Son, you are not the only one who has suffered losses in this world. I had three children. They all died in an accident when the car in which they were travelling hit the railing of a bridge and fell into the river.”

I felt my sorrow was much less compared to his.

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