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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Horegallu by (31.3k points)
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Most of our historical monuments and structures like horegallus are damaged by tourists and locals with drawings and other graffitti. With the consent of your teacher you decide to give awareness to students on the necessity of preserving them, in the school assembly. What would you say? Draft an awareness speech to be made in the school assembly.

1 Answer

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by (30.9k points)
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My dear students, Today I am going to talk to you about the necessity to preserve historical monuments and structures like horegullus. We hear a lot about building new things and making statues of great men and women. But we hardly hear of the importance of preserving our historical monuments and other ancient structures. Tourists and locals have the habit of writing things on such monuments. Sometimes they even break away small pieces to carry as mementoes of their visits to such monuments. This is very bad as they disfigure them and spoil them.

Monuments cultivate pride of our past and heritage making us unique in the world. Paris is known for the Eiel tower, London for the Big Ben, China for the Great Wall, Egypt for the Pyramids and India for its Taj Mahal. If people go on disfiguring them, they lose their value. Historical monuments are great attractors of tourists. Everyone likes to experience the “spirit” of the place, which is most often represented through the monuments. Tourists can provide locals with jobs and extra income.

Historical monuments and structures like horegallus are environmental friendly. They add charm to our place without in any way harming the environment. So let us take a firm decision not to litter any monument or historical structure with graffiti or such unwanted things. Let us preserve them for posterity.

Thank you all!

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