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Class 11 Maths MCQ Questions of Binomial Theorem with Answers?

3 Answers

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Practice the Important MCQ Questions for Class 11, which are given here. In this part, students can figure out how to determine the answer for the Binomial Theorem. Clear every one of the essentials and prepare altogether for the test-taking assistance from Class 11 Maths Binomial Theorem Objective Questions.

Practicing the MCQ Questions for Class 11 Maths with answers will boost your certainty consequently assisting you with scoring admirably in the exam. Students are encouraged to solve the Class 11 Maths MCQ Questions of Binomial Theorem with Answers to know various ideas and concepts.

Practice MCQ Questions for class 11 Maths Chapter-Wise

1. The coefficient of y in the expansion of (y2 + c/y)5 is

(a) 10c
(b) 10c2
(c) 10c3
(d) None of these

2. (1.1)10000 is _____ 1000

(a) greater than
(b) less than
(c) equal to
(d) None of these

3. The fourth term in the expansion (x – 2y)12 is

(a) -1670 x9 × y3
(b) -7160 x9 × y3
(c) -1760 x9 × y3
(d) -1607 x9 × y3

4. If the third term in the binomial expansion of (1 + x)m is (-1/8)x2 then the rational value of m is

(a) 2
(b) 1/2
(c) 3
(d) 4

5. The greatest coefficient in the expansion of (1 + x)10 is

(a) 10!/(5!)
(b) 10!/(5!)2
(c) 10!/(5! × 4!)2
(d) 10!/(5! × 4!)

6. The coefficient of xn in the expansion of (1 – 2x + 3x2 – 4x3 + ……..)-n is

(a) (2n)!/n!
(b) (2n)!/(n!)2
(c) (2n)!/{2×(n!)2}
(d) None of these

7. The coefficient of xn in the expansion (1 + x + x2 + …..)-n is

(a) 1
(b) (-1)n
(c) n
(d) n+1

8. In the expansion of (a + b)n, if n is odd then the number of middle term is/are

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) More than 2

9. The number of ordered triplets of positive integers which are solution of the equation x + y + z = 100 is

(a) 4815
(b) 4851
(c) 8451
(d) 8415

10. if n is a positive ineger then 23nn – 7n – 1 is divisible by

(a) 7
(b) 9
(c) 49
(d) 81

11. The coefficient of the middle term in the expansion of (2+3x)4 is:

(a) 5!
(b) 6
(c) 216
(d) 8!

12. The value of (126)1/3 up to three decimal places is

(a) 5.011
(b) 5.012
(c) 5.013
(d) 5.014

13. The coefficient of x3y4 in (2x+3y2)5 is

(a) 360
(b) 720
(c) 240
(d) 1080

14. The integral part of \((8+3\sqrt7)^n\) is

(a) an odd integer
(b) an even integer
(c) zero
(d) nothing can be said.

15. If the third term in the expansion of \([x+x^{log_{10}}\;x]^5\),is 106 then x may be

(a) 1
(b) \(\sqrt{10}\)
(c) 10
(d) 10-2/5

16. The number of terms in the expansion of (y1/5+x1/10)55, in which powers of x and y are free from radical signs are

(a) six
(b) twelve
(c) seven
(d) five

17. If x = 9950 +10050 and y= (101)50 then

(a) x = y
(b) x<y 
(c) x>y
(d) None of these

18. If A and B are coefficients of xn in the expansions of (1+x)2n and (1+x)2n−1 respectively, then A/B is equal to

(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 9
(d) 6

19. In the expansion of (1 + x)50, the sum of the coefficients of odd powers of x is 

(a) 226
(b) 249
(c) 250
(d) 251

20. Find an approximate value of (0.99)5 using the first three terms of its binomial expansion.

(a) 0.591
(b) 0.951
(c) 0.195
(d) None

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1. Answer: (c) 10c3

Explanation: Given, binomial expression is (y2 + c/y)5

Now, Tr+1 = 5Cr × (y2)5-r × (c/y)r

= 5Cr × y10-3r × Cr

Now, 10 – 3r = 1

⇒ 3r = 9

⇒ r = 3

So, the coefficient of y = 5C3 × c3 = 10c3

2. Answer: (a) greater than

Explanation: Given, (1.1)10000 = (1 + 0.1)10000

10000C0 + 10000C1 × (0.1) + 10000C2 ×(0.1)2 + other +ve terms

= 1 + 10000×(0.1) + other +ve terms

= 1 + 1000 + other +ve terms > 1000

So, (1.1)10000 is greater than 1000

3. Answer: (c) -1760 x9 × y3

Explanation: 4th term in (x – 2y)12 = T4

= T3+1

12C3 (x)12-3 ×(-2y)3

12C3 x9 ×(-8y3)

= {(12×11×10)/(3×2×1)} × x9 ×(-8y3)

= -(2×11×10×8) × x× y3

= -1760 x9 × y3

4. Answer: (b) 1/2

Explanation: (1 + x)m = 1 + mx + {m(m – 1)/2}x2 + ……..

Now, {m(m – 1)/2}x2 = (-1/8)x2

⇒ m(m – 1)/2 = -1/8

⇒ 4m2 – 4m = -1

⇒ 4m2 – 4m + 1 = 0

⇒ (2m – 1)2 = 0

⇒ 2m – 1 = 0

⇒ m = 1/2

5. Answer: (b) 10!/(5!)2

Explanation: The coefficient of xr in the expansion of (1 + x)10 is 10Cr and 10Cr is maximum for

r = 10/ 2

= 5

Hence, the greatest coefficient = 10C5

= 10!/(5!)2

6. Answer: (b) (2n)!/(n!)2

Explanation: (1 – 2x + 3x2 – 4x3 + ……..)-n = {(1 + x)-2}-n

= (1 + x)2n

So, the coefficient of xnC3 = 2nCn = (2n)!/(n!)2

7. Answer: (b) (-1)n

Explanation: (1 + x + x2 + …..)-n = (1 – x)-n

Now, the coefficient of x = (-1)n × nCn

= (-1)n

8. Answer: (c) 2

Explanation: In the expansion of (a + b)n,

if n is odd then there are two middle terms which are {(n + 1)/2}th term and {(n+1)/2 + 1}th term.

9. Answer: (b) 4851

Explanation: Given, x + y + z = 100;

where x ≥ 1, y ≥ 1, z ≥ 1

Let u = x – 1, v = y – 1, w = z – 1

where u ≥ 0, v ≥ 0, w ≥ 0

Now, equation becomes

u + v + w = 97

So, the total number of solution = 97+3-1C3-1


= (99 × 98)/2

= 4851

10. Answer: (c) 49

Explanation: 23n – 7n – 1 

= 23 × n – 7n – 1

= 8n – 7n – 1

= (1 + 7)n – 7n – 1

= {nC0 + nC1 7 + nC2 72 + …….. + nCn 7n} – 7n – 1

= {1 + 7n + nC2 72 + …….. + nCn 7n} – 7n – 1

nC2 72 + …….. + nCn 7n

= 49(nC2 + …….. + nCn 7n-2

which is divisible by 49

So, 23n – 7n – 1 is divisible by 49

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11. Answer: (c) 216

Explanation: If the exponent of the expression is n, then the total number of terms is n+1.

Hence, the total number of terms is 4+1 = 5.

Hence, the middle term is the 3rd term.

Therefore, T3 = 4C2.(2)2.(3x)2

T3 = (6).(4).(9x2)

T3 = 216x2.

Therefore, the coefficient of the middle term is 216.

12. Answer: (c) 5.013

Explanation: (126)1/3 can also be written as the cube root of 126.

Hence, (126)1/3 is approximately equal to 5.013.

Hence, option (c) 5.013 is the correct answer.

13. Answer: (b) 720

Explanation: Given: (2x+3y2)5

Therefore, the general form for the expression (2x+3y2)5 is Tr+1 = 5Cr. (2x)r.(3y2)5-r

Hence, T3+1 5C3 (2x)3.(3y2)5-3

T5C3 (2x)3.(3y2)2

T4 = 5C3.8x3.9y4

On simplification, we get

T= 720x3y4

Therefore, the coefficient of x3y4 in (2x+3y2)2 is 720. 

14. Answer: (b) an even integer

Explanation: Let (8+\(3\sqrt{1}\))n = p+f, where p∈I and f is a proper fraction and let (8+\(3\sqrt 1\))= f′, a proper  fraction [∵0<8−\(3\sqrt 7\)<1]

Since (8+\(3\sqrt 7\))n+(8−\(3\sqrt 7\))= p+f+f′ is an even integer

∴p+1 is even

∴p is an odd integer

15. Answer: (c) 10

Explanation: Put log10x =y, the given expression becomes (x+xy)5.

T3 = 5C2.x3(xy)= 10x3+2y =106

⇒(3+2y)log10x = 5log10 10 = 5

⇒ (3+2y)y = 5

⇒ y=1,−5/2

⇒log10 x = 1log10 x =−5/2

16. Answer: (a) six

Explanation: Given expansion is (y1/5+x1/10)55

The general term is

Tr+155Cr(y1/5)55−r. (x1/10)r

Tr+1 would free from radical sign if powers of j and x are integers.

i.e \(\frac{55-r}{5}\) and r/10 are integer.

⇒ r is multiple of 10.

Hence, r = 0,10,20,30,40,50

It is an A.P.

Thus, 50 = 0+(k−1)10

50 =10k−10

k = 6

Thus, the six terms of the given expansion in which x andy are free from radical signs.

17. Answer: (b) x<y

Explanation: (101)50 − (99)50 =(100+1)50 − (100−1)50


>2.50C1.(100)49 =2×50(100)49=(100)50

⇒(101)50 >(99)50 +(100)50

⇒ y>x

⇒ x<y.

18. Answer: (b) 2

Explanation: Given, A= Coefficient of xn in (1+x)2n

and B= Coefficient of xin (1+x)2n−1

∴ A = 2nCn and  B=2n−1Cn

\(\therefore \frac{A}{B}=\frac{^{2n}C_n}{2n-1}C_n=\frac{2n}{n}\)

= 2. 

19. Answer: (b) 249

Explanation: C0 + C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5 + …..Cn = 2n 

Therefore C1 + C3 + C5 + ….. Cn = 1/2 × 2n 

= 1/2 × 250 

= 249

20. Answer: (b) 0.951

Explanation: (0.99)5 =(1−0.01)5

= 1 - 5C1 x (0.01) + 5C2 x (0.01)2........

= 1 - 0.05 + 10 x 0.0001......

= 1.001 - 0.05

= 0.951

Click here to practice MCQ Questions for Binomial Theorem Equations 11

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