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Class 11 chemistry MCQ Question of States of Matter with Answers?

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The three essential states wherein a matter can exist are solid, liquid and gas. A matter can exist in a minimum of one than one state, model water exists in all of the three states. The condition of a matter relies upon the intermolecular powers and game plan of atoms. The property of a substance stays an equivalent as before, independent of its state however the p rate of reaction changes with the adjustment of the physical state. On increasing and decreasing the temperature or pressing factor, one condition of a matter gets changed over to a different state. apart from these, there are two different conditions of issues referred to as Plasma and Bose-Einstein Condensate.

Students are encouraged to practice the Class 11 Chemistry MCQ Questions of States of Matter with Answers are accessible here. Students can solve these State of Matter Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers and evaluate their preparation level.  MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry with Answers are ready according to the Latest Exam Pattern and Syllabus.

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1. The vapour pressure of water at 300 K in a closed container is 0.4 atm. If the volume of container is doubled, its vapour pressure at 300 K will be

(a) 0.8 atm
(b) 0.2 atm
(c) 0.4 atm
(d) 0.6 atm

2. The state of matter that shows the uniformity of behavior :

(a) Solid Liquid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) None of the Above

3. A gas deviates from ideal behavior at a high pressure because its molecules:

(a) Attract one another
(b) Show the Tyndall Effect
(c) Have kinetic energy
(d) Are bound by covalent bonds

4. The value of universal gas constant R depends on

(a) Temperature of Gas
(b) Volume of Gas
(c) Number of Moles of Gas
(d) Units of Volume,Temperature and Pressure

5. In van der Waal equation of state of gas laws, the constant b is a measure of

(a) Intermolecular collisions per unit volume
(b) Intermolecular attraction
(c) Volume occupied by the molecules
(d) Intermolecular repulsions

6. The states of matter having no definite shape but definite volume:

(a) Gas
(b) Liquid
(c) Solid
(d) None of the Above

7. The rise or fall of a liquid within a tube of small bore is called:

(a) Surface Tension
(b) Capillary Action
(c) Viscosity
(d) Formation of Curvature

8. Falling drop of water is spherical due to:

(a) Hydrogen Bonding
(b) Surface Tension
(c) Capillary Action
(d) Vlscosity

9. The rates of diffusion of gases are inversely proportional to square root of their densities . This statement refers to :

(a) Daltons Law
(b) Grahams Law
(c) Avogadros Law
(d) None of the Above

10.  The law, which states that at constant temperature, the volume of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional is pressure, is known as:

(a) Boyles law
(b) Charles law
(c) Combine gas law
(d) Avogadro's law

11. When you heat a sample of gas, what happens to the particles that make up the gas?

(a) The particles move faster
(b) The particles break apart
(c) The particles get smaller
(d) The particles become more dense

12. Which of the following is not a type of van der Waal's forces?

(a) Ion - dipole forces
(b) London forces
(c) Dipole-induced dipole forces
(d) Dipole - dipole forces

13. The interaction energy of London force is inversely proportional to sixth power of the distance between two interacting particles but their magnitude depends upon

(a) polarisability of interacting particles
(b) strength of permanent dipoles in the particles
(c) mass of interacting particles
(d) charge of interacting particles

14. Dipole-induced dipole interactions are present in which of the following pairs

(a) HCl and He atoms
(b) H2O and alcohol
(c) Cl2 and CCl4
(d) None of these

15. Which of the following exhibits the weakest intermolecular forces?

(a) He
(b) H2O
(c) NH3
(d) None of these

16.  Which of the following is the correct order of thermal energy in three states of matter?

(a) Solid < Liquid < Gas
(b) Liquid < Solid < Gas
(c) Liquid < Gas < Solid
(d) Gas < Solid < Liquid

17. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the three states of matter i.e., solid, liquid and gaseous?

(a) Gases like liquids possess definite volumes
(b) Molecules of a solid possess vibratory motion
(c) The density of solid is highest whereas that of gases is lowest
(d) Molecules of a solid possess least energy whereas those of a gas possess highest energy

18. Which is lighter than dry air?

(a) Moist air
(b) SO2
(c) Cl2  
(d) O2

19. The beans are cooked earlier in pressure cooker, because - 

(a) Boiling point increases with increasing pressure
(b) Boiling point decreases with increasing pressure
(c) Extra pressure of pressure cooker softens the beans  
(d) Internal energy is not lost while cooking in pressure cooker

20. The compressibility factor for H2 and He is usually:

(a) >1
(b) =1
(c) <1
(d) either of these

21. Boyle's law is applicable in :

(a) Isobaric process
(b) Isochoric process
(c) Isothermal process
(d) Adiabatic process

22. With the increase of pressure, the mean free path:

(a) decreases
(b) increases
(c) becomes zero
(d) remains the same

23. Air at sea level is dense. This is a practical application of:

(a) Boyle's law
(b) Charles' law
(c) Avogadro's law
(d) Dalton's law

24. The gas among the following can be most steadily liquefied is -

(a) NH3
(b) Cl2
(c) SO2
(d) CO2

25. If 300 ml of a gas at \(27^\circ C\) is cooled to \(7^\circ C\) at constant pressure, its final volume will be-

(a) 135 ml
(b) 540 ml
(c) 350 ml
(d) 280 ml

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by (10.7k points)


1.  Answer : (c) 0.4 atm

Explanation: Vapour pressure will be the same because it doesn't depend on the volume it depends only on Temperature.

2.   Answer : (c) Gas

Explanation: Of the three states of matter, the gaseous state is the simplest and shows greatest uniformity in behaviour. Gases show almost similar behaviour irrespective of their chemical nature. This state is characterized by gases maintain neither the volume nor the shape. They completely fill the container in which they are placed.

3. Answer : (a) Attract one another

Explanation: At high pressure, the volume is decreased appreciably, so the attractive forces become large and the molecules are crowded together. Thus, pressure correction is necessary and the gas deviates more from ideal behaviour.

4. Answer : (d) Units of Volume, Temperature and Pressure

Explanation: The value of the universal gas constant R depends on the units used for pressure, volume and temperature. Therefore, it depends on the units of measurement.

5. Answer : (c) Volume occupied by the molecules

Explanation: In van der Waals equation of state, the constants a and b represent the magnitude of intermolecular attraction and excluded volume respectively and are specific to a particular gas. The constant b is a measure of the volume occupied by the molecules.

6. Answer : (b) Liquid

Explanation: The particles of a solid are closely packed in position and can only vibrate in place. The particles of a liquid and gas are free to move. A liquid has a definite volume but no definite shape, whereas a gas has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape.

7. Answer : (b) Capillary Action

Explanation: Capillarity, rise or depression of a liquid in a small passage such as a tube of small cross-sectional area, like the spaces between the fibres of a towel or the openings in a porous material. Capillarity is not limited to the vertical direction. Water is drawn into the fibres of a towel, no matter how the towel is oriented.

8. Answer : (b) Surface Tension

Explanation: The cohesive forces between liquid molecules is responsible for the surface tension. The molecules of water on the surface don't have like molecules around it.So the water droplets tend to be pulled into shape of spherical due to cohesive forces.Thats why, the drop of water is always spherical.

9. Answer : (b) Grahams Law

Explanation: Graham's law states that the rate of diffusion or of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular weight. In the same conditions of temperature and pressure, the molar mass is proportional to the mass density.

10. Answer : (a) Boyles law

Explanation: P is inversely proportional to V when T and n are constant according to Boyle's law.



where Kis proportionality constant.

11. Answer : (a) The particles move faster

Explanation: There is a great deal of empty space between particles, which have a lot of kinetic energy. The particles move very fast and collide into one another when the gas is heated up, causing them to diffuse, or spread out, until they are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the container.

12. Answer : (a) Ion - dipole forces

Explanation: The term van der Waals force is a general term for those intermolecular forces that include all forces except ion-dipole forces when are relatively strong. Ion-dipole forces occur between an ion(either a cation or an anion) and a polar molecule. The Dutch physicist J van der Waals was the first to suggest the importance of intermolecular forces.

13. Answer : (a) polarisability of interacting particles

Explanation: Greater the polarisability of the interacting particles, greater is the magnitude of interaction energy.

14. Answer : (a) HCl and He atoms

Explanation: HCl is a polar molecule, whereas He atoms are non-polar so in between them dipole-induced dipole interactions exist.

15. Answer : (a) He

Explanation: Intermolecular forces in He are van der Waals forces which are the weakest in nature.

16. Answer : (a) Solid < Liquid < Gas

Explanation: Gas molecules are in continuous random motion and have the highest energy. When the thermal energy of the gas molecules is decreased by reducing the temperature, the molecules come closer together and are converted into a liquid and further, when the thermal energy of the liquids is decreased, it is converted into solid state.

17. Answer : (a) Gases like liquids possess definite volumes

Explanation: Gases do not have definite shape and volume. Their volume is equal to the volume of the container.

18. Answer : (a) Moist air

Explanation: Dry air consists mostly of nitrogen and oxygen molecules, which weigh more than water molecules.Therefore, moist air is lighter than dry air if both are at the same temperature and pressure.

19. Answer : (a) Boiling point increases with increasing pressure

Explanation: The beans are cooked earlier in pressure cooker because boiling point decreases with increasing pressure.

20. Answer : (a) >1

Explanation: ∵ for Hand He, PV > nRT and Z >1

21. Answer : (c) Isothermal process

Explanation: Boyle's law is applicable to an isothermal process where temperature remains constant.

22. Answer : (a) decreases

Explanation: On increasing pressure, the volume decreases and density increases. So, molecules get closer to each other hence mean free path also decreases.

23. Answer : (a) Boyle's law

Explanation: p1/d1 = p2/d2 (at a constant temperature) This is the Boyles law. So the case-Air at sea level is dense is studied under Boyles law.

24. Answer : (c) SO2

Explanation: The van der Waals constant a shows the force of attraction between two molecules. Hence, the higher the value of a, the higher the attraction. Therefore, the gas will be readily liquefied. Therefore, SO2 will be readily liquified.

25. Answer :(d) 280 ml

Explanation: \(\frac{V_1}{T_1}=\frac{V_2}{T_2}\)


V= 280mL

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