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Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Biological Classification with Answers?

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Below, you will discover Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Biological Classification according to the most recent syllabus and exam pattern. Biology is the Subject That’s about the study of life.  Ace up your preparation with the Objective-type Questions accessible on Biological Classification and upgrade your knowledge. 

Understand the concepts by practicing the MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology and score well in your exams. Biological classification is a logical cycle that outlines the game plan of living organisms as per their common characteristics. The Regular practice of MCQ Questions for class 11 Biology biological classification with answers lets the NEET candidates qualify for the assessment. Following are MCQ Questions.

Practice MCQ Questions for class 11 Biology

1. T.O. Diener discovered.........

(a) Bacteriophage
(b) Infectious protein
(c) Free infectious DNA
(d) Free infectious RNA

2. Static concept of species was proposed by ..........

(a) Darwin
(b) Theophrastus
(c) Linnaeus
(d) De Candolle

3. African Sleeping Sickness is caused by..............

(a) Trypanozoma cruzi
(b) T. Tangela
(c) T. rhodesiense
(d) T. gambiense

4. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) Lichens do not grow in polluted areas.
(b) Algal component of lichens is called mycobiont
(c)  Fungal component of lichens is called phycobiont
(d) Lichens are not good pollution indicators.

5. After karyogamy followed by meiosis, spores are produced exogenously in

(a)  Neurospora
(b)  Alternaria
(c)  Agaricus
(d) Saccharomyces.

6. Viroids differ from viruses in having

(a) DNA molecules with a protein coat
(b) DNA molecules without a protein coat
(c) RNA molecules with a protein coat
(d) RNA molecules without a protein coat

7. Which of the following components provides a sticky character to the bacterial cell?

(a) Cell wall
(b) Nuclear membrane
(c) Plasma membrane
(d) Glycocalyx

8. Which among the following are the smallest living cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogenic to plants as well as animals and can survive without oxygen?

(a) Pseudomonas
(b) Mycoplasma
(c) Nostoc
(d) Bacillus.

9. In eubacteria, a cellular component that resembles eukaryotic cells is:

(a) Plasma membrane
(b) Nucleus
(c) Ribosomes
(d) Cell wall

10. Mesosomes are found in:

(a) Fungi
(b) Virus
(c) Mycoplasma
(d) Bacteria 

11. Satellite RNAs are present in some

(a) Plant viruses
(b) Viroids
(c) Prions
(d) Bacteriophages

12. The imperfect fungi which are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling belong to

(a) Deuteromycetes
(b) Basidiomycetes
(c) Phycomycetes
(d) Ascomycetes 

13. Wine turns sour because of

(a) Heat
(b) Aerobic bacteria
(c) Anaerobic bacteria
(d) Exposure to the light

14. Potato spindle tuber disease is caused by

(a) Phycobionts
(b) Virus
(c) Bacteria
(d) Viroids

15. Bacteria that live in hot springs are called

(a) Halophiles
(b) Thermoacidophiles
(c) Methanogens
(d) None of the above

16.Red tides in sea appear due to

(a) Euglena
(b) Chrysophytes
(c) Dinoflagellates
(d) Diatoms

17. The common mushroom and toadstool that we see commonly belong to: 

(a)  Monera
(b)  Protista
(c) Fungi
(d) Plantae

18. Reproduction by spore formation like conidia or sporangiophores is a: 

(a) Vegetative reproduction
(b) Asexual reproduction
(c) Sexual reproduction
(d) None

19. Diatoms Do Not Decay Quickly Because

(a)They are Chitinous
(b) It has siliceous walls
(c) Diatoms contain saline soil
(d) Their body is impervious to water

20. Azolla Boosts Soil Fertility of

(a) Barley
(b) Maize
(c) Rice
(d) Wheat

21. The largest Herbarium Is Situated At 

(a) Kew
(b) New York
(c) Berlin
(d) Geneva

22. Name the archaebacteria present in the guts of ruminant animals

(a) Methanogens
(b) Anabaena
(c) Nostoc
(d) Paramoecium

23. A system of classification in which a large number of traits are considered, is

(a) natural system
(b) synthetic system
(c) artificial system
(d) phylogenetic system

24. ‘Comma’ shaped bacteria are known as

(a) vibrio
(b) spiral
(c) coccus
(d) spirillum

25. If two or more species occupy overlapping areas, they are

(a) sibling
(b) allochronic
(c) keystone
(d) sympatric

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 Answer :

1. Answer : (d) Free infectious RNA

Explanation : Theodor Otto Diener discovered a capsid-free infection DNA, which is the causative agent of the potato spindle tuber disease. It was not a virus, but a completely unique agent, which consists solely of a brief strand of single-stranded RNA without a protein capsid.

2. Answer : (c) Linnaeus

Explanation : The static concept of species was given by Linnaeus in Systema Naturae.

3. Answer : (d) T. gambiense

Explanation :  Sleeping sickness is caused by two types of parasites Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosomoa brucei gambiense. T b rhodesiense causes the more severe form of the illness.

4.Answer : (a) Lichens do not grow in polluted areas.

Explanation :  Lichens grow in all environments except the high seas, on the tissues of live animals, and in highly polluted areas.

5.Answer : (c)  Agaricus

Explanation : In Neurospora, the spores are endogenously formed in a sac-like structure called ascus.

6. Answer : (d) RNA molecules without a protein coat

Explanation : Viroids are the smallest self replicating RNA particles which are devoid of protein coat while viruses can have either RNA or DNA molecules encapsulated in a protein coat. Viroids were first discovered by Diener (1971). They consist of only the nucleic acid without a protein coat.

7. Answer : (d) Glycocalyx

Explanation :  The component of bacterial cells that provide sticky character to the cell is Glycocalyx. The glycocalyx is a carbohydrate-enriched coating present outside of prokaryotic cells.

8. Answer : (b) Mycoplasma

Explanation : Mycoplasma is the smallest living known cell. It is prokaryotic, devoid of a cell wall, and can live without oxygen. It is pathogenic to both plants and animals.

9. Answer : (a) Plasma membrane

Explanation :  A cellular component in the eubacteria that resembles the eukaryotic cell is the plasma membrane.

10.Answer : (d) Bacteria

Explanation :  Mesosomes are found in several heterotrophic bacteria. These invaginated structures are in the form of vesicles, tubules of lamellar whorls.

11.Answer : (a) Plant viruses

Explanation :  Plant viruses often contain parasites of their own, referred to as satellites. Satellite RNAs are highly dependent on their helper virus for both replication and encapsidation. Their size vary from 194 to 1500 nucleotides (approx.)

12. Answer : (a) Deuteromycetes

Explanation :  Deuteromycetes are the imperfect fungi which include all those fungi in which the sexual stage is either absent or not known. Some of the members are saprophytes or parasites while most of them are decomposers of litter and help in the cycling of minerals.

13. Answer : (b) Aerobic bacteria

Explanation : When exposed to the air, the bacteria tend to change the sugar to acetic acid. This process is known as aerobic fermentation. The resultant wine is not just wine it is wine vinegar.

14.Answer : (d) Viroids

Explanation :  In 1971, studies of the potato spindle tuber disease showed that it was caused by a small, naked, single-stranded, circular molecule of infectious RNA, which was called a viroid. Viroids have been found to be the cause of several dozen plant diseases.

15. Answer : (b) Thermoacidophiles

Explanation :  Thermophiles are a group of heat loving microbes thriving at high temperature usually more than \(45^{\circ} C\)

16. Answer : (c) Dinoflagellates

Explanation : Some algae species, like the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis, color the ocean surface a deep red, inspiring the name “red tide.” But not all red tides are red and not all of them even become dense enough to color the water. There are also “brown tides” which can be damaging as well.

17. Answer : (c) Fungi

Explanation :   toadstool, any of various inedible or poisonous species of mushrooms (kingdom Fungi).

18. Answer : (b) Asexual reproduction

Explanation : Spore Formation is a method in Asexual Reproduction. Many Spores are stored in sacs called Sporangia. When Sporangia burst; minute single-celled, thin or thick-walled structures called spores are obtained. Under suitable conditions, they develop into a new Plant.

19.Answer : (b) It has siliceous walls

Explanation :  Diatoms have unique double shells made up of opaline silica.

20. Answer : (c) Rice

Explanation :  The use of Bio-fertilizers like Azolla not only increases the rice productivity but also improves the long-term soil fertility. 

21. Answer : (a) Kew

Explanation :  The largest herbaria in the world (each with 7 to 9.5 million specimens) are located at the Museum of Natural History in Paris, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in England, the New York Botanical Garden, and the Komarov Botanical Institute, in St. Petersburg, Russia.

22. Answer : (a) Methanogens

Explanation :  Methanogens bacteria are present in the guts of ruminant animals such as cows and buffaloes. The characteristic smell of cow dungs is due to methane gas produced by this bacteria.

23. Answer : (a) natural system

Explanation :  A system based upon a large number of natural characters or traits is natural system of classification.

24. Answer : (a) vibrio

Explanation :  Vibrio is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria, possessing a curved-rod (comma) shape, several species of which can cause foodborne infection, usually associated with eating undercooked seafood.

25. Answer : (d) sympatric

Explanation : Two related species or populations are considered sympatric when they exist in the same geographic area and thus frequently encounter one another. An initially interbreeding population that splits into two or more distinct species sharing a common range exemplifies sympatric speciation.

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