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Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Structural Organisation in Animals with Answers?

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Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions Structural Organisation in Animals with answers accessible here. Objective type Questions are importants part of tests for class 11 Biology thus, practice appropriately can assist you with getting better marks. Understand the concepts unmistakably by practicing the Multiple-Choice Questions and score well in your tests.

The MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with answers have been ready according to the most recent syllabus, NCERT books, and Exam Pattern recommended in Class 11 by CBSE. An ace up your arrangement with the MCQ Questions accessible on Structural Organization in Animals and improve your subject information. 

Practice Structural Organisation in Animals MCQ Questions for class 11 Biology with Answers.

Practice MCQ Questions for class 11 Biology Chapter-Wise

1. Blood corpuscles are formed in the

(a) Haversian canal
(b) endosteum
(c) red bone marrow
(d) pancreas

2. Which of the following helps in the locomotion of earthworms?

(a) Clitellum
(b) Setae
(c) Intersegmental grooves
(d) Nephridiophores

3. Fats are richly found in

(a) alveolar tissue
(b) lymph glands
(c) adipose tissue
(d) liver cells

4. Osteoblasts are found in

(a) blood
(b) muscle
(c) bone
(d) cartilage

5. The kind of epithelium which forms the inner walls of blood vessels is

(a) squamous epithelium
(b) ciliated columnar epithelium
(c) columnar epithelium
(d) cuboidal epithelium

6. Excretory organs of Cockroach are

(a) malpighian tubules
(b) green glands
(c) Both
(d) None of these

7. What is common among silverfish, scorpion, crab, and honey bees?

(a) Metamorphosis
(b) Poison glands
(c) Both
(d) None of these

8. Major inorganic component of vertebrate bone is

(a) calcium phosphate
(b) sodium hydroxide
(c) potassium hydroxide
(d) calcium carbonate

9. The type of epithelial cells which line the inner surface of fallopian tubes, bronchioles, and small bronchi are known as

(a) ciliated epithelium
(b) squamous epithelium
(c) columnar epithelium
(d) cubical epithelium

10. Haversian canal occurs in 

(a) humerus
(b) pubis
(c) scapula
(d) clavicle

11. A person with blood group A requires blood. The blood group which can be given is

(a) A and B
(b) A and AB
(c) A and O
(d) A, B, AB, and O

12. Which one engulfs pathogens rapidly? 

(a) Acidophils
(b) Monocytes
(c) Basophils
(d) Neutrophils

13. Component of blood responsible for producing antibodies is 

(a) thrombocytes
(b) monocytes
(c) erythrocytes
(d) lymphocytes

14. Antibodies are chemically 

(a) Fats
(b) Foreign pathogens
(c) Actin
(d) Proteins

15. The bone is a natural reservoir for........

(a) Fluorine
(b) Water
(c) Calcium
(d) Iron

16. Large amoeboid cells, which are a part of our innate immune system, found in the areolar tissue are called as:

(a) Macrophages
(b) Mast cells
(c) Fibroblasts
(d) Adipocytes

17. Dense irregular connective tissue is present in:

(a) Tendons
(b) Ligaments
(c) Skin
(d) Cartilage

18. Non Keratinised stratified squamous epithelium is found in -

(a) Skin
(b) Stomach
(c) Oesophagus         
(d) Intestine

19. If a clean dry bone is kept in dil HCl for about 3 days, it

(a) Breaks into pieces
(b) Becomes soft and elastic
(c) Dissolves
(d) Remain unchanged

20. The epithelium found in the lining layer of the stomach and intestine is -

(a) Columnar
(b) Squamous
(c) Stratified
(d) Pseudostratified

21. Which organ of the body is known as "Jack of all trades" -

(a) Kidney
(b) Brain
(c) Skin
(d) All of the above

22. The first milk secreted following childbirth is called-

(a) Infant milk
(b) Colostrum
(c) Casein
(d) None of these

23. a merocrine gland

(a) Pineal Gland
(b) Sebaceous Gland
(c) Salivary Gland
(d) None of the above

24. The terga sterna and pleura of the cockroach body are joined by

(a) cementing glue
(b) muscular issue
(c) arthrodial membrane
(d) cartilage

25. Adjacent cells are interconnected by 

(a) desmosomes
(b) vacuoles
(c) mitochondria
(d) E.R.

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1. Answer: (c) red bone marrow

Explanation: Red blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow of bones. Stem cells in the red bone marrow are called hemocytoblasts. They give rise to all of the formed elements in the blood.

2. Answer: (b) Setae

Explanation: The locomotion in earthworms occurs due to the presence of the brush or bristle-like structures called Seta. -Along with Setae they use different longitudinal and circular muscles for their movement. -It helps their body to contract and then move forward.

3. Answer: (c) adipose tissue

Explanation: The fat storage tissue is called adipose tissue, it is connective tissue. It also forms shock proof cushions around the kidney, ovaries, and eyeball.

4. Answer: (c) bone

Explanation: Osteoblasts are found in large numbers in the periosteum, the thin connective tissue layer on the outside surface of bones, and in the endosteum. Normally, almost all of the bone matrix, in the air-breathing vertebrates, is mineralized by the osteoblasts.

5. Answer: (a) squamous epithelium

Explanation: The endothelium is a thin and single layer of squamous epithelium that builds the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.

6. Answer: (a) malpighian tubules

Explanation: The main excretory structure of cockroaches is Malpighian ​tubules. The excretory organ of the frog includes the kidney, uterus, and cloaca.

7. Answer: (a) Metamorphosis

Explanation: Silver fish, scorpions, crab, and honey bees all have compound eyes. These are present on each lateral side of the head and are convex. This eye consists of numerous visual units, the ommatidia. Adjacent ommatidia are separated by pigment cells.

8. Answer: (a) calcium phosphate

Explanation: Major inorganic component of vertebrate bone is calcium carbonate.

9. Answer: (a) ciliated epithelium

Explanation: The ciliated epithelium is found in the lining of the fallopian tubes, bronchioles, and small bronchi. The cilia are the hair-like structures that are present on the cell and help in the movement of various particles.

10. Answer: (a) humerus

Explanation: The Haversian canal occurs in the humerus bone whose outer side is made up of cortical bones. These bones are generally known as compact bones. The Haversian system is an elongated cylindrical structure that is organized parallel to the surface of the bone, along the long axis.

11. Answer: (c) A and O

Explanation: Blood group A has A antigen and b antibody and blood group O has no antigens and both a and b antibodies so, if a patient with blood group A needs blood, both A and O blood group can be given to him.

12. Answer: (d) Neutrophils

Explanation: Neutrophils engulf pathogens rapidly in our bodies. Neutrophils are the one type of white blood cells, they protect our body from pathogens.

13. Answer: (d) lymphocytes

Explanation: Lymphocytes are the primary cells of the immune system and include B cells, T cells, and natural killer cells. B cells destroy bacteria and inactivate their toxins. They also produce antibodies.

14. Answer: (d) Proteins

Explanation: From the chemical perspective, an antibody (Ab) is a protein composed of four polypeptide chains, including two light chains and two heavy chains. The four chains jointly form a 'Y' shaped structure,

15. Answer: (c) Calcium

Explanation: Bone tissue serves as a reservoir for and source of calcium for these critical metabolic needs through the process of bone remodeling. Calcium metabolism is regulated in large part by the parathyroid hormone (PTH)–vitamin D endocrine system, which is characterized by a series of homeostatic feedback loops.

16. Answer: (a) Macrophages

Explanation: Large amoeboid cells, which are a part of our innate immune system, found in the areolar tissue are called Macrophages.

17. Answer: (c) Skin

Explanation:  The dense irregular connective tissues are found in the lower layers of the skin (dermis) and in the protective white layer of the eyeball.

18. Answer: (c) Oesophagus      

Explanation: A non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium consists of cells arranged in layers upon a basal membrane. It is found in the esophagus of human beings. The esophagus is also known as a food pipe, so it needs continuous lubrication for the passage of food particles.

19. Answer: (b) Becomes soft and elastic

Explanation: If a bone is kept in dilute acid (HCl) for few days, it becomes soft and flexible. This is called decalcification of the bone.

20. Answer: (a) Columnar

Explanation: Inner lining of stomach and intestine is made of simple columnar epithelium.

21. Answer: (c) Skin

Explanation: No other body organ performs as many functions as the skin, and hence skin is sometimes termed as “The jack of all trades”.

22. Answer: (b) Colostrum

Explanation: Colostrum is the special milk that is secreted in the first 2–3 days after delivery. It is produced in small amounts, about 40–50 ml on the first day (12), but is all that an infant normally needs at this time.

23. Answer:(c) Salivary Gland

Explanation: 'Salivary gland' is a type of merocrine gland as its secretion i.e. saliva is secreted into the buccal cavity by exocytosis.

24. Answer: (c) arthrodial membrane

Explanation: Arthrodial membrane is a tough, flexible cuticle that joins the skeletal elements of cockroach and other arthropods. It connects terga, pleura, and sterna of cockroach body.

25. Answer: (a) desmosomes

Explanation: Desmosomes connects adjacent animal cells. Two plant cells are interconnected by plasmodesmata. Cell wall is the outermost covering of plant cells and plasma membrane is the outermost covering of animal cells.

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