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Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Chemical Coordination and Integration with Answers?

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Solving the Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Chemical Coordination and Integration with Answers can be of extreme help as you will be aware of all the concepts. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chemical Coordination and integration with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams.

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chemical Coordination and integration with Answers free covering the entire syllabus. Refer to the MCQ Questions for Class 11 with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Practice MCQ Questions for class 11 Biology Chapter-Wise

1. Which of the following is an emergency hormone?

(a) epinephrine
(b) Androgen
(c) Cortisol
(d) FSH

2. In the body, both the blood sodium and potassium levels are regulated by _______.

(a) Pheromones
(b) Aldosterone
(c) Cortisol
(d) Androgens

3. Glucagon hormone is secreted by the.......

(a) Thyroid gland
(b) Adrenal gland
(c) Pituitary gland
(d) Pancreas

4. PTH is called a hypercalcemic hormone because it leads to the

(a) absorption of CaCO3 from the digested food
(b) reabsorption of water from renal tubules
(c) increasing blood calcium levels
(d) maintenance ion balance in the blood

5. Corpus luteum secretes

(a) progesterone
(b) estrogen
(c) glucagon
(d) vasopressin

6. Diurnal rhythm of the body is maintained by

(a) melatonin
(b) isthmus
(c) PTH
(d) norepinephrine

7. Which hormone inhibits the release of growth hormone?

(a) Insulin
(b) Gonadotrophin
(c) Somatostatin
(d) Thymosin

8. Steroid hormones easily pass through the plasma membrane by simple diffusion because they

(a) Are water-soluble
(b) Are lipid-soluble
(c) Enter through pores
(d) Contain carbon and hydrogen

9. Parathormone regulates:

(a) Blood calcium level
(b) Calcium phosphate level
(c) Body temperature
(d) None of the above

10. Meibomian gland is associated with:

(a) Eyes
(b) Ears
(c) Reproductive organ
(d) Skin

11. The thyroid gland is homologous to which part of lower chordates:-

(a) Neural gland
(b) Pharyngeal gill pouch
(c) Nerve cord
(d) Endostyle

12. The ‘islets of Langerhans’ are found in

(a) Alimentary canal
(b) Stomach
(c) Liver
(d) Pancreas

13. Cochlea of the mammalian ear is concerned with:

(a) Balancing of body
(b) Hearing
(c) Pereception of atmospheric pressure
(d) Both (a) and (b)

14. Which of the following is an anvil-shaped ear ossicle:

(a) Incus
(b) Malleus
(c) Stapes
(d) Humerus

15. Deficiency of which of the following may cause bone deformation:-

(a) PTH
(b) Vitamin D
(c) STH
(d) Thyroxine

16. The fluid surrounding the membranous labyrinth of rabbit is called:

(a) Endolymph
(b) Perilymph
(c) Haemolymph
(d) Cerebrospinal fluid

17. Which one of the following is not a second messenger in hormone action?

(a) Calcium
(b) cAMP
(c) cGMP
(d) Sodium

18. Philips collip discovered which of the following hormones:

(a) Parathyroid hormone
(b) Thyroxine
(c) A.D.H.
(d) Oxytocin

19. How many semicircular canals are found in the internal ear of a rabbit:

(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) One

20. The technique used for the estimation of minute amounts of hormones and drugs is called

(a) radioimmunoassay
(b) electroencephalogram
(c) fractionation
(d) None of these

21. Testosterone is produced by

(a) leydig’s cells
(b) pituitary gland
(c) Both
(d) None of these

22. The phase of the menstrual cycle in humans that lasts for 7-8 days, is

(a) ovulatory phase
(b) menstruation
(c) luteal phase
(d) follicular phase

23. Estrogen and testosterone are steroid hormones, and most likely bind to

(a) cytoplasmic receptors
(b) G-protein coupled membrane receptors
(c) enzyme-linked membrane receptors
(d) membrane ion channels

24. Researchers have found increased levels of hormones from the ......... in the blood of students preparing for final exams. These hormones are produced in response to stress

(a) adrenal glands
(b) pineal gland
(c) thyroid gland
(d) posterior pituitary

25. Adrenaline directly affects 

(a) SA node
(b) \(\beta-\)cells of Langerhans
(c) dorsal root of spinal cord
(d) epithelial cells of stomach

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by (10.7k points)


1. Answer : (a) epinephrine

Explanation: Adrenaline hormone is known as the Emergency Hormone or Epinephrine because it initiates a rapid reaction that helps the person think rapidly and respond to stress. It raises the rate of metabolism, dilating the blood vessels going into the heart and brain.

2.  Answer : (b) Aldosterone

Explanation:  Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid hormone that is secreted by the adrenal cortex and regulates the balance of sodium and potassium in the body.

3.  Answer : (d) Pancreas

Explanation: Glucagon is a hormone that is involved in controlling blood sugar (glucose) levels. It is produced by the alpha cells, found in the islets of Langerhans, in the pancreas, from where it is released into the bloodstream.

4.  Answer : (c) increasing blood calcium levels

Explanation: PTH or parathyroid hormone is also called hypercalcemic hormone as it increase the calcium level in the blood.

5. Answer : (a) progesterone

Explanation: The corpus luteum is responsible for producing the hormone progesterone, which stimulates the uterus to thicken even more in preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg. The hormone estrogen is also elevated during this time to prepare the uterus for implantation.

6.  Answer : (a) melatonin

Explanation: Melatonin, primarily released by the pineal gland, is a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin is involved in controlling the circadian rhythms of physiological functions in animals, including sleep timing, control of blood pressure, seasonal reproduction, and many others.

7.  Answer : (c) Somatostatin

Explanation: Somatostatin from the hypothalamus inhibits the pituitary gland's secretion of growth hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone. In addition, somatostatin is produced in the pancreas and inhibits the secretion of other pancreatic hormones such as insulin and glucagon.

8.  Answer : (b) Are lipid-soluble

Explanation: Steroid hormones all are made up of cholesterol which is a lipid derivative synthesized by the liver cells. These hormones are lipid-soluble which is why their molecules pass freely through the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane.

9.  Answer : (a) Blood calcium level

Explanation: Parathyroid hormone regulates calcium levels in the blood, largely by increasing the levels when they are too low. It does this through its actions on the kidneys, bones, and intestine: Bones – parathyroid hormone stimulates the release of calcium from large calcium stores in the bones into the bloodstream.

10. Answer : (a) Eyes

Explanation: Meibomian glands are anatomically located in the tarsal plate of both upper and lower eyelids, as holocrine sebaceous glands that open directly on the eyelid margin and discharge their entire contents onto the lid margin.

11. Answer : (d) Endostyle

Explanation: The endostyle in larval lampreys (ammocoetes) metamorphoses into the thyroid gland in adults, and is regarded as being homologous to the thyroid gland in vertebrates due to its iodine-concentrating activity.

12. Answer : (d) Pancreas

Explanation: islets of Langerhans are islands of endocrine cells scattered throughout the pancreas.

13.  Answer : (b) Hearing

Explanation: The inner ear of mammals consists of the cochlea, which is involved with the sense of hearing, and the vestibule and three semicircular canals, which are involved with the sense of balance.

14.  Answer : (a) Incus

Explanation: The incus or anvil is a bone in the middle ear. The anvil-shaped small bone is one of three ossicles in the middle ear.

15.  Answer : (b) Vitamin D

Explanation: Vitamin D affects how calcium is deposited in the bones; thus it is considered essential for proper bone development and growth. Major symptoms of vitamin D deficiency rickets include bone deformities and bone pain, slow growth, fractures, and seizures.

16.  Answer : (a) Endolymph

Explanation: Endolymph is the fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear. The major cation in endolymph is potassium, with the values of sodium and potassium concentration in the endolymph being 0.91 mM and 154 mM, respectively. It is also called Scarpa's fluid, after Antonio Scarpa.

17.  Answer :(d) Sodium

Explanation: Sodium does not act as a second messenger for any hormone.  cGMP is also known as cyclic guanosine monophosphate. It acts as a second messenger by the mechanism of activation of protein kinases present within the cell.

18.  Answer : (a) Parathyroid hormone

Explanation: The hormones released by the parathyroid gland is called parathyroid hormones, Collips hormone, or parathormone (PTH). This hormone helps in maintaining blood calcium levels along with calcitonin. PTH is also called a hypercalcemic hormone that helps to increase blood calcium levels.

19.  Answer : (b) Three

Explanation: The three semicircular canals of the bony labyrinth are designated according to their position: superior, horizontal, and posterior.

20.  Answer : (a) radioimmunoassay

Explanation: Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is a laboratory method that measures, with relative accuracy, minute amounts of substances present in the body. Drugs, antigens, and hormones are some of the substances measured by radioimmunoassay.

21.  Answer : (a) leydig’s cells

Explanation: Leydig cells are interstitial cells located adjacent to the seminiferous tubules in the testes. The best-established function of Leydig cells is to produce the androgen, testosterone, under the pulsatile control of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH).

22.  Answer : (d) follicular phase

Explanation: This phase is called follicular because it is when the follicles are developing thanks to FSH, as one reaches maturity, the others start to die off and this signals the release of luteinizing hormone.

23.  Answer : (a) cytoplasmic receptors

Explanation: Estrogen and testosterone are female and male sex hormones respectively. Chemically, these are steroid hormones (lipid-soluble) that easily pass through the cell membrane and bind to specific intracellular receptors in the cytoplasm.

24.  Answer : (a) adrenal glands

Explanation:  Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure, and boosts energy supplies. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain's use of glucose, and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

25.  Answer : (a) SA node

Explanation:  Adrenaline prepares the body for emergency alarming reactions like fight and flight. it directly affects the SA node to increase the rate of heartbeat. It is responsible for the alarming reactions and also increases breathing rate and blood glucose level, blood pressure, peripheral circulation, etc.

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