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Class 12 Business Studies MCQ Questions of Nature and Significance of Management with Answers?

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Class 12 Business Studies MCQ Questions of Nature and Significance of Management with Answers for important part of exams for class 12 Business Studies and if practiced properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter wise MCQs for NCERT Class 12 Business Studies more latest study material for all subjects.

We have been  Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern and syllabus. Students can solve Class 12 Business Studies Nature and Significance of Management MCQ Questions with Answers to know their preparation level. To prepare for the one mark questions, students need to know all the important concepts which can be tested in the exam.

1. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(a) Management is a goal-oriented process
(b) Management is a continuous process
(c) Management is a dynamic process.
(d) Management is a rigid process

2. Management is not

(a) an applied science
(b) a pure science
(c) an art
(d) an art and science both

3. In which category does management fall?

(a) Well-established profession
(b) Semi-profession
(c) Emerging profession
(d) Marginal profession

4. Top management is concerned with formulation of

(a) guidelines for supervisors
(b) long-term plans
(c) short-term plans
(d) None of these

5. Coordination is

(a) a management function
(b) the essence of management
(c) an objective of management
(d) a social objective

6. The element that aims at integrating group efforts to achieve group objectives is called ___

(a) Cooperation
(b) Coordination
(c) Management
(d) Directing

7. Management is multidimensional because it has ___ dimensions).

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

8. Management is a ___ directed process as it aims at achieving specified goals.

(a) Continuously
(b) Future
(c) Goal
(d) Deliberately

9. ___ is a systematised body of knowledge that explains certain general truths or operation of general laws.

(a) Science
(b) Art
(c) Profession
(d) Art and Profession both

10. Co-ordination is considered to be the essence of management because

(a) It is a common thread that runs through all the activities within the organisation
(b) It is implicit and inherent in all functions of the organisation
(c) It is a force that binds all the functions of management
(d) All of the above

11. This function of Management related to placing the right person at the right job is

(a) Organising
(b) Staffing
(c) Planning
(d) Controlling

12. This function of management relating to laying down the foundation for carrying out the other functions of management successfully is

(a) Organising
(b) Staffing
(c) Planning
(d) Controlling

13. Organising as a function of management involves deciding

(a) What activities and resources are required
(b) Who will do a particular task
(c) Where will it be done
(d) All of the above

14. The main task of this level of management is to determine the overall organisational objectives and strategies for their realisation.

(a) Operational management
(b) Middle level management
(c) First line managers
(d) Top level management

15.  Which of the following statements is not true for lower level management?

(a) Analyse the business environment and its implications for the survival of the business.(b) Ensure the quality of the output
(c) They strive to reduce the wastage of resources
(d) They ensure that the safety standards are maintained within the organisation

16. Which of the following is a function of top level management?

(a) Ensuring quality of output
(b) Assigning necessary duties and responsibilities to their departments
(c) Taking responsibility for all the activities of the business and its impact on the society
(d) Ensuring that the safety standards are maintained within the organisation

17. Which of the following is not a designation related to middle level management?

(a) Operations Head
(b) Sales Manager
(c) Chief Operating Officer
(d) Divisional Manager

18. Successful organisations do not achieve goals by chance but by following a deliberate process known as

(a) Planning
(b) Co-ordination
(c) Controlling
(d) Management

19. Management is essential for the organisations which are

(a) Non-profit organisations
(b) Service organisations
(c) Social organisations
(d) All of the above

20. Management contains a series of interrelated functions that include

(a) Planning
(b) Organising
(c) Directing
(d) All of the above

21. Successful management ensures that

(a) Goals are achieved with least cost
(b) Timely achievement of goals
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above

22. Efficiency is concerned with

(a) Doing the right thing
(b) Doing things right
(c) Achieving end results
(d) None of the above

23. Rohan works as a production manager in Global Enterprises Limited. He has been given the task of getting 1000 units of hand woven table mats manufactured at the cost of Rs 150 per unit within 10 days. In order to be acknowledged as an effective manager, he must ensure that

(a) The cost of production does not exceed Rs 150 per unit
(b) The work is completed within 10 days even at higher cost per unit
(c) The cost of production is less than Rs 150 per unit
(d) All of the above

24.  Tarang Enterprises Limited is planning to increase its sales by 30% in the next quarter. Identify the feature of management being highlighted in the given statement.

(a) Management is all pervasive
(b) Management is a goal oriented process
(c) Management is a continuous process
(d) All of the above

25. Which of the following statements is not relevant to the concept of “Management as an inexact science”?

(a) The principles of management lack universal validity
(b) The principles of management lack universal applicability
(c) The principles of management have to be modified according to the given situation
(d) Management involves dealing with human behaviour and outcomes cannot be predicted with utmost accuracy

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1. Answer: (d) Management is a rigid process

Explanation: Management is considered to be a deliberate process as it involves creating an environment which is conducive to efficient and effective performance.

2. Answer: (b) a pure science

Explanation: The subject matter of management is 'human being' who is an intelligent and sensitive being and whose behaviour or conduct changes according to the changing situations.That is why management is not a pure science.

3. Answer: (c) Emerging profession

Explanation: It's considered a profession because it consists of special knowledge, has formal training methods, fees, has a code of conduct, and has a representative organization.

4. Answer: (b) long-term plans

Explanation: Management Development is an educational process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and technical knowledge for general purpose." Management Development has become very important in today's competitive environment.

5. Answer: (b) the essence of management

Explanation: Coordination is the essence of management.It is neither a function nor an objective of an organisation.It is a process through which the activities of various departments and units are synchronised towards the achievement of the common goals of the organisation.

6. Answer: (b) Coordination

Explanation: The element that aims at integrating collective group efforts to achieve group objectives is called Coordination. Coordination is the ability of the executives that guarantee that various divisions and gatherings work in a state of harmony.

7. Answer: (c) Three

Explanation: Management is considered as a multi-faceted concept because it is a complex activity that has three main dimensions. These are 

(i) Management of Work All organisations perform some work e.g., producing or selling. A work is defined as the goals to be achieved.

(ii) Management of People The main asset of an organisation is the human resources. This resource has to be managed in such a manner that it helps to achieve the goals of the organisations. 

(iii) Management of Operations All organisations either produce a product or provide a service. This requires a production process which means using an operation to convert the inputs into the output. It is interlinked with both management of work and management of output.

8. Answer: (c) Goal

Explanation: Management is said to be a goal oriented process because it helps in achieving organisational goals by using the efforts of different individuals.

9. Answer: (a) Science

Explanation: Science is a systematised body of knowledge that explains general truth or the operation of the general laws. Like science, management has systematised body of knowledge and has principles based on experiment and observation.

10. Answer: (d) All of the above

Explanation: In general coordination means bringing together the activities and resources of organisation and bringing harmony in them. Coordination is the base or primary function of every manager because various departments of an organisation are working independently and there is need to relate and integrate their activities.

11. Answer: (b) Staffing

Explanation: Staffing is an activity of enrolling the employees by assessing their knowledge and abilities, prior to extending them explicit employment opportunities or jobs accordingly. A staffing model is an informational collection that records work activities, the number of work hours required, and how much time is spent on the operating activity by an employee.

12. Answer: (c) Planning

Explanation: Planning centers around accomplishing objectives.Planning is an essential capacity, it sets out the base for all functions of management.

13. Answer: (d) All of the above

Explanation: Organising includes designating authority, grouping tasks into departments, assigning tasks, and distributing assets across the association. During the organising process, administrators allocate employees, policies, resources, and techniques to work with the objectives distinguished in the management plan.

14. Answer: (d) Top level management

Explanation: Top-level management is composed of senior-level executives of an association/ business or those high positions that hold the most responsibility.

15. Answer: (a) Analyse the business environment and its implications for the survival of the business.

Explanation: Analyse the business environment and its implications for the survival of the business-top level management.

16. Answer: (d) Ensuring that the safety standards are maintained within the organisation

Explanation: Ensuring quality of output; Ensuring the safety standards are maintained within the organisation lower level management and assigning necessary duties and responsibilities to their departments middle level management.

17. Answer: (c) Chief Operating Officer

Explanation: Chief Operating Officer is a designation for top level management.

18. Answer: (d) Management

Explanation: Management is considered to be a deliberate process as it involves creating an environment which is conducive to efficient and effective performance.

19. Answer: (d) All of the above

Explanation: Management is essential for all types of organisations irrespective of their size or type.

20. Answer: (d) All of the above

Explanation: Management as a process contains a series of functions namely planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling.

21. Answer: (c) Both of the above

Explanation: Management aims to carry out the work in a manner that is completed within the stipulated time (effectiveness) and at the least cost (efficiency).

22. Answer: (b) Doing things right

Explanation: Efficiency aims at reduction of cost through optimum utilisation of resources and avoiding wastage of resources.

23. Answer: (b) The work is completed within 10 days even at higher cost per unit

Explanation: The concept of effectiveness is related to the completion of the task within the stipulated time irrespective of the cost involved.

24. Answer: (b) Management is a goal oriented process

Explanation: Management is considered to be goal oriented as an organisation is brought into existence for realisation of certain goals.

25. Answer: (b) The principles of management lack universal applicability

Explanation: The principles of management are not universally valid as they deal with human behaviour and the outcome of application of a principle cannot be predicted with utmost accuracy.

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