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Class 7 Maths MCQ Questions for Practical Geometry with Answers?

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We have arranged the Class 7 Maths MCQ Questions for Practical Geometry with Answers covering the whole syllabus. We at Sarthaks eConnect have arranged the Class 7 Maths MCQ Questions for Practical Geometry with Answers wherein issues are solved bit by bit with complete depictions by our educators so that it will help you a ton to acquire a comprehension of every topic. These MCQ questions with answers for Class 7 Maths will come in tests and assist you with scoring great imprints. 

Practice MCQ Questions for Class 7 Maths with Answers consistently and score well in tests. Understudies ought to tackle these Questions cautiously as Questions in the last tests of the year are posed from these so these Multiple choice questions straightforwardly affect understudies last score. Refer to the Practical Geometry Class 7 MCQ Questions with Answers here alongside a point-by-point clarification.

Practice MCQ Questions for Class 7 Maths

1. Identify the criterion of construction of the equilateral triangle LMN given LM = 6 cm.

(a) S.A.S. criterion
(b) R.H.S. criterion
(c) A.S.A. criterion
(d) S.S.S. criterion

2. The idea of equal alternate angles is used to construct which of the following?

(a) A line parallel to a given line
(b) A triangle
(c) A square
(d) Two triangles

3. A Given AB = 3 cm, AC = 5 cm,and ∠B = 30°, ΔABC cannot be uniquely constructed, with AC as base, why?

(a) Two sides and included angle are given
(b) The other two angles are not given
(c) The vertex B cannot be uniquely located
(d) The vertex A coincides with the vertex C

4. A-line panda point X not on it are given. Which of the following is used to draw a line parallel to p through X?

(a) Equal corresponding angles.
(b) Congruent triangles.
(c) Angle sum property of triangles.
(d) Pythagoras’ theorem

5. Δ PQR is such that ∠P = ∠Q = ∠R = 60° which of the following is true?

(a) Δ PQR is equilateral.
(b) Δ PQR is acute-angled.
(c) Both [a] and [b]
(d) Neither [a] nor [b]

6. How many perpendicular lines can be drawn to a line from a point not on it?

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 0
(d) Infinite

7. In ΔXYZ, x, y, and z denote the three sides. Which of the following is incorrect’?

(a) x – y > z
(b) x + z > y
(c) x – y < z
(d) x + y > z

8. Based on the sides of a triangle, which of the following is a classification of triangles?

(a) A right-angled triangle
(b) An acute-angled triangle
(c) An obtuse-angled triangle
(d) An isosceles triangle

9. Which of the following is used to draw a line parallel to a given line?

(a) A protractor
(b) A set square
(c) A ruler
(d) A ruler and compasses

10. Choose the correct option in which a triangle cannot be constructed with the given lengths of sides.

(a) 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm
(b) 7 cm, 6 cm, 5 cm
(c) 10 cm, 7 cm, 2 cm
(d) 12 cm, 8 cm, 6 cm

11. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

(a) Two triangles having same area are congruent
(b) If two sides and one angle of a triangle are equal to the corresponding two sides and the angle of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent
(c) If the hypotenuse of one right angled triangle is equal to the hypotenuse of another right angled triangle, then the triangles are congruent.
(d) All of these

12. In the given figure, find the measure of ∠ROT, if PQ = QR and ∠QPR = 60°.

(a) 60°
(b) 140°
(c) 120°
(d) 100°

13. Which of the following is used to construct a triangle?

(a) The lengths of the three sides.
(b) The perimeter of the triangle.
(c) The measures of three angles.
(d) The names of three vertices.

14. Direction: David folds a sheet of paper. The dotted lines as shown in the figure are the creases formed, which are named as l, m, and n.

What can you say about lines I and n?

(a) l // n
(b) l ⊥ n
(c) I is the same line as n
(d) Neither [a] nor [b]

15. The diagonals of a square are ______________ each other

(a) equal to 
(b) unequal to 
(c) perpendicular bisectors of 
(d) none of these

16. How many diagonals does a regular Hexagon has?

(a) 2
(b) 9
(c) 3
(d) 5

17. Minimum possible interior angle in a regular polygon is ______________.

(a) 70º
(b) 60º
(c) 90º
(d) 120º

18. The number of sides in a regular polygon is 15, then a measure of each exterior angle is

(a) 24º
(b) 36º
(c) 20º
(d) 18º

19. A polygon with the minimum number of sides is

(a) Pentagon
(b) Square
(c) triangle
(d) angle

20. If the sum of interior angles of a regular polygon is 540º. Find the name of the polygon.

(a) Quadrilateral
(b) Pentagon
(c) Hexagon
(d) Septagon

21. Can we draw a square with a side length equal to 7 cm?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Cannot be determined
(d) None of the above

22. A polyhedron has 5 faces and 6 vertices. How many edges will it have?

(a) 9
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 14

23. It is not possible to construct a triangle when its sides are :

(a) 8.3 cm, 3.4 cm, 6.1 cm
(b) 5.4 cm, 2.3 cm, 3.1 cm
(c) 6 cm, 7 cm, 10 cm
(d) 3 cm, 5 cm, 5 cm

24. A triangle can be drawn if the hypotenuse and a _____ in the case of a right-angled triangle.

(a) base
(b) hypotenuse
(c) leg
(d) None of these

25. A/an _____________ connect a vertex of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side.

(a) altitude
(b) vertex
(c) media
(d) None of these

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 1. Answer: (d) S.S.S. criterion

Explanation: Since ALMN is equilateral the measurement of one side is used for the other two sides of the triangle. Hence ALMN can be constructed by S.S.S. criterion.

2. Answer: (a) A line parallel to a given line

Explanation: If two lines are intersected by a transversal, then corresponding angles are equal.If two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, then alternate interior angles are equal.

3. Answer: (c) The vertex B cannot be uniquely located

Explanation: The information of two sides and an angle is given, which means we could potentially draw a triangle using SAS criterion. However, SAS criterion requires the measurement of the included angle between the two sides which has a common vertex. But from the information provided, ∠B is given and the sides are ᾹB and ᾹC which means that ∠B is not the included angle. Hence we cannot construct a unique triangle with AC as the base.

4. Answer: (a) Equal corresponding angles.

Explanation: Corresponding angles of parallel lines are equal.

5. Answer: (c) Both [a] and [b]

Explanation: In ΔPQR since all the angles are acute, it is acute angled. Also since all the angles are equal, it is equilateral.

6. Answer: (a) 1

Explanation: As can be seen from the given figure, one and only one perpendicular line can be drawn to a given line from a point not on it.

7. Answer: (a) x – y > z

Explanation: The difference of two sides of a triangle is less than its third side.

8. Answer: (d) An isosceles triangle

Explanation: A triangle in which all the sides are equal is called an equilateral triangle. A triangle in which any two sides are equal is called an isosceles triangle. If none of its sides are equal it is called a scalene triangle.

9. Answer: (d) A ruler and compasses

Explanation: A line parallel to a given line can be drawn using a ruler and a compass.

10. Answer: (c) 

Explanation: The difference of any two sides of a triangle must be less than the third side. This property of triangles is not satisfied by the given measurements as 10 – 7 = 3 > 2 and 10 – 2 = 8 > 7, though 7 – 2 = 5 < 10 is true.

11. Answer: (d) 

Explanation: Congurent triangle have equal sides and angles. Hence two congurent triangle overlap each other. So their area is also equal. But two triangle having equal areas will not be congurent always because area of triangle depends only upon base and height.

Example: area of triangle having base=8 and height=3 is 12 and
area when base=6 and height=4 is also 12.But since sides of both triangles have unequal sides so they are not congurent.

By SAS congurance condition, two triangles are congurent when two sides and included angle of one triangle is equal to corresponding two sides and included angle of other triangle.By RHS congurance condition, when two triangles having one right angle, hypotenuse and one side are equal then they are congurent.

12. Answer: (c) 120°

Explanation: ΔPQR is isosceles since PQ = QR.

∴ ∠QPR = ∠QRP = 60° ∠RQT is the exterior angle of ΔPQR which is equal to the sum of interior opposite angles ∠P and ∠R.

Hence, ∠RQT = 60° + 60° = 120°.

13. Answer: (a) The lengths of the three sides.

Explanation: S.S.S. criterion can be used indirectly to construct a triangle given the lengths of its three sides.

14. Answer: (b) l ⊥ n

Explanation: A 90° angle is formed at the intersection of l and n. So l ⊥ n.

15. Answer: (c) perpendicular bisectors of 

Explanation: The diagonals of a square bisect each other, are perpendicular to each other, and are of equal length.

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 16. Answer: (b) 9

Explanation: The number of diagonals of an n sided polygon is given by 

A convex regular hexagon has 6 sides. So, n = 6


= 9

17. Answer: (b) 60º

Explanation: Interior angle of an equilateral triangle is 60º, which is the minimum interior angle possible for the regular polygon.

18. Answer: (a) 24º

Explanation: The sum of the exterior angles of a regular polygon is 360º. The number of sides of polygon =15.

As each of the exterior angles is equal,

Exterior angle =  360º/15

= 24º

19. Answer: (c) triangle

Explanation: A polygon cannot be formed with just two lines or line segments. Hence, a minimum number of 3 lines or line segments are required to form a polygon. Such type of polygon is called a triangle. 

20. Answer: (b) Pentagon

Explanation: By the angle sum of interior angles of a polygon, if n is the number of sides, then;

Sum of interior angles = (n-2) x 180°

540º = (n – 2) x 180º

n – 2 = 540º/180º = 3

n = 3 + 2

= 5

Thus, the polygon is a pentagon

21. Answer: (a) Yes

Explanation: A square has all its sides equal in length and all the angles are equal to 90 degrees. Therefore, we can take any five measurements to construct a square.

22. Answer: (a) 9

Explanation: If F = faces,V = vertices,E = edges,

F + V−E = 2

i.e, 5 + 6− E = 2

E = 9.

23. Answer: (b) 5.4 cm, 2.3 cm, 3.1 cm

Explanation:For forming a triangle sum of any two sides must be greater than the third side.In option B

2.3cm+3.1cm=5.4cm which is equal to the third side. So a triangle can not be formed.

24. Answer: (c) leg

Explanation: A triangle can be drawn if the Hypotenuse and a leg is known, in the case of a right-angled triangle.

Construction of a right angled triangle when we know it's hypotenuse and base can be done easily.

Steps to construct:

(i) Draw the leg/ base of the length given using a ruler.

(ii) At the preferred end, with the help of a protractor draw faint straight line at 90° to the base line.

(iii) Take the given length of the hypotenuse an adjust the compass accordingly to match it.

(iv) Now place the compass on the opposite end from which the 90° angle has been drawn and draw an arc on the 90° line.

(v) This marks the 3rd point of the triangle. Join the points to get the triangle.

25. Answer: (c) media

Explanation: A median connects a vertex of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side. 

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