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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Reasoning by (88.5k points)
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Direction: Refer the following carefully and answer the question that follows.

A tree named Aloes is used to make a very effective and useful drug from its bark, today that drug can be obtained only from the Aloes' bark and Aloes is very rare. To make 1 kg of drug it takes almost bark of 1000 trees, so it can lead to the extinction of Aloes.

Which information most weakens the conclusion drawn from above?

1. The medicine made from aloe bark should be given to the doctors by the central government.
2. Production of the drug made from aloe bark is expensive.
3. Aloes’ leaves are used in many medical products.
4. The Aloes can be spread through pruning and are grown under cultivation.
5. Aloes usually grows in most incomprehensible places.

1 Answer

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by (85.4k points)
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Best answer
Correct Answer - Option 4 : The Aloes can be spread through pruning and are grown under cultivation.

The method of distribution of the drug is irrelevant, except that the central authority can limit the production of the drug from the bark of aloes trees. But this information has not been provided. So A will not be the answer. The cost of producing the drug is not affected by the tree's result unless it stops production so option B is inappropriate for an answer. The existence of applications for other parts of the tree is likely that the aloes’ bark medicine will not increase the already existing tree-related destruction. If this information was provided, it would weaken the support for the conclusion. Because it is not provided, option C does not significantly weaken the argument. Option D most weakens the argument.

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