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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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An effective teaching-learning will happen in the class when a teacher helps or facilitates to  link the knowledge a student has with the new concept to be taught. The objective behind this is to promote
1. correlation and transfer of knowledge
2. individual differences
3. learner autonomy
4. reinforcement

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Correct Answer - Option 1 : correlation and transfer of knowledge

An effective teaching-learning will happen in the class when a teacher helps or facilitates to link the knowledge a student has with the new concept to be taught. The objective behind this is to promote correlation and transfer of knowledge.

 Knowledge: Knowledge is a process of acquiring facts, information, and skills through one’s own experiences or learnings. It is an informal experience. Knowledge is to be gained by one’s self-efforts and experiences or in other words it is self-driven. It is something gained from good education, peers, extensive reading, consultations, and life experiences.

  • Transfer of knowledge: “Transfer” is a cognitive practice whereby a learner’s mastery of knowledge or skills in one context enables them to apply that knowledge or skill in a different context. Because transfer signals that a learner’s comprehension allows them to recognize how their knowledge can be relevant and to apply it effectively outside original learning conditions, the transfer is often considered a hallmark of true learning.
  • Correlation of knowledge: Correlation is used to find the relationship between two variables. In the case of Education, these two variables are prior knowledge or existing knowledge and new concept. A teacher helps or facilitates to link these two variables in a classroom.

So, we can conclude that effective teaching-learning will happen in the class when a teacher helps or facilitates to link the knowledge a student has with the new concept to be taught. The objective behind this is to promote correlation and transfer of knowledge.

  1. Individual differences stand for the variation or deviations among individuals regarding a single characteristic or number of characteristics. It stands for those differences which in their totality distinguish one individual from another. That is not linked with knowledge. The objective behind effective teaching-learning is not to promote individual differences.
  2. Learner autonomy is when students take control and responsibility for their learning, both in terms of what they learn and how they learn it. It takes as its starting point the idea that students are capable of self-direction and can develop an independent, proactive approach to their studies. The objective behind effective teaching-learning is not to promote Learner autonomy in a classroom.
  3. Reinforcement means something that occurs when a stimulus is presented or removed following a response and increases the frequency of that behavior in similar circumstances. This is not an objective of effective teaching-learning.

 So, An effective teaching-learning will happen in the class when a teacher helps or facilitates to link the knowledge a student has with the new concept to be taught. The objective behind this is to promote correlation and transfer of knowledge.

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