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in English by (50.8k points)

Write a story in 150 - 200 words based on the input given below : 

A dark night-raining hard-sudden sound of brakes-silence again-dogs barking-a scream for help-went to investigate-nothing serious.

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by (70.2k points)
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It was a dark night. I was going on my bike. It was a lonely area and I was returning home from my college which is located at a distant and remote area. There was a welcome party today of new students in the college so we enjoyed a lot and it became very late. My heart was trembling as I was completely in a solitary place. Suddenly it began to rain hard. I was surprised how it was raining while the sky was quite clear. There was sudden sound of screeching brakes. It seemed that some one has used emergency brakes to avoid some mishappening. But there was silence again. Dogs began to bark. It seemed that they were running after some unsocial elements and there was a scream for help by a lady. Perhaps some people were running after her with some evil intention. I was taken aback because there was nothing visible on the road. I carefully tried to know where these sounds were coming from. When I turned my face to know about the surrounding, I noted that there was a large covered area at a distance from the road. Being curious, I turned towards it to investigate what the matter was. There were security guards at the gate of the covered area. I asked them why this type of different sounds were coming. What was being done inside the covered area and forcibly, I tried to enter inside. The guards told me that this was the shooting place of a famous film director and these different sounds were of different scenes that were shot according to the demand of the film. I was satisfied. There was nothing serious as I had imagined. So I returned back home.

by (10 points)
"I was surprised how it was raining while the sky was quite clear. There was sudden sound of screeching brakes." This is the part where I find some mistake. Its given in the hints that it was a dark night which means there were a lot of clouds.
Well, I might be wrong as well cuz this is my interpretation about the hints.
But please do look into it..

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