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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Biology by (44.2k points)
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Give short notes on following:

1. Layering

2 . Grafting

3. Stock

4. Scion

5. Desirable characters

6. Tissue culture

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (44.1k points)
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1. Layering: A vegetative propagation method in which a portion of an aerial stem grows roots while still attached to the parent plant and then detaches as an independent plant.

2. Grafting: lt is a technique of inserting a part of one plant into another plant, that the two will unite and continue their growth.

3. Stock: The portion of the graft which is attached to the soil.

4. Scion: It is the upper part of the union in grafting which has lost its root system.

5. Desirable characters: The features of plants which we like to have in grafting.

6. Tissue culture: Technique used to maintain or grow cells, tissues or organs under sterile conditions on a nutrient culture medium of known composition.

+1 vote
by (100 points)
layering is one of such artificial method of vegetative propogation. this involves blending a young stem towards the ground and burrying in under the soil for devolepment of roots. after a period of time, as the roots devoleped, the bent stem is cut off from the parent plant. this acts as a new plant.

grafting is a method of artificial vegitative propagation in which two plants are joined together such a way that two stems join and grow as asingle plant.

 a stock is a security that represents and ownership share in a company. When you purhase a company's stock, purchasing a small piece of the company, called a share. investor purchase stocks in companies they will go up in value.

    one which is attracted to the soil is called stock and the cut stem of other plant without roots is called scison

disarable characters:-
. improved nutritional content
. short height of dwarfness
. increased resistance against pests
.  change in maturity duration
. profuces branching

tissue culture :-
 a method of biological research in which fragments of tissue from an plant or animal are transferred to an artificial environment in which day can continue to survive and function. The culture tissue can consist of a single cell, population of self, bol aur part of an organ

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