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What do you mean by Extramural? Elucidate the need of extramurals.

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Meaning of Extramural: the word 'Extramural' is derived from the Latin words 'extra' and 'murals'. Extra means 'outside' and 'mural' means 'wall'. It means that the activities, which are performed outside the walls of an institution or school. It means that the activities, which are organized by an institution/school and the students of two or more schools participate in them. In fact, in extramural competitions, the students of other schools also participate in sports related activities. Extramural competitions are also called inter-school competition. Extramural are fixed well in advance so that the students of other schools may prepare well for such competitions. Need of extramural : Extramural are essential in the field of physical education remain incomplete. 

The following points are significant to show the need of extramural competitions. 

1. Provide opportunities to schools to show their sports capabilities: Extramural competitions provide ample opportunities to schools to show their sports capabilities. The students of a school have good sports capabilities and show good performance in extramural, they will be able to put the colorful feathers in the cap of that institution. It will enhance the image of that intuition. 

2. For enhancing the standard of sports performance: through extramural competitions the standard of sports performance can be enhanced specially. The losers can make strenuous efforts to improve their sports performance in next extramural competition. 

3. Provide appropriate knowledge of sports techniques: Extramural are essential to provide appropriate knowledge of new techniques of sports. The teams, which do not have appropriate as well as advanced techniques of various sports and games, can get such knowledge by participating in extramurals. 

4. For making and implementing the programmes of physical education effective: Extramural are essential for making and implementing the programme of physical education more effective. Extramural also help in broadening the base sports. 

5. Improve the opportunities to participate in sports: Extramural competitions enhance the opportunities for the students of various schools to participate in sports. Many schools who do not take part in such competitions, are motivated and consequently such school tend to participate in intramurals.

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