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in Health, Disease and Yoga by (47.4k points)
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What are bacterial diseases? Write the cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention of Tuberculosis and Cholera.

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by (49.8k points)
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Bacterial diseases: The diseases caused by bacteria are called bacterial diseases.

Out of these, the main diseases are as follows:

1. Tuberculosis: It is commonly called T.B. Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They can affect and attack any part of the body, but most commonly affected organs are lungs. Infection of these bacteria occurs by direct contact or through the air. This disease is transmitted by sneezing, coughing or spitting. Small droplets of nasal and oral secretion contain germs of tuberculosis and they may transfer the bacteria from an infected person to a healthy person.

2. Symptoms: The main symptoms of tuberculosis are, the patient loses his appetite, feels restless and loses his body weight. Bloody sputum comes out with a cough.

3. Cure (treatment): The treatment of T.B is done on the basis of tuberculin test, X-Ray of chest and sputum analysis. Drugs like Streptomycin, PAS (Para Aminosalicylic acid, isoniased, etc are given. Proper rest, good food and fresh air is also needed.

4. Prevention: B.C.G (Bacillus calmeite Gurerin) provides protection against tuberculosis if given to infants and adults.

2. Cholera: Cholera is caused by a gram-negative, comma-shaped bacterium, Vibrio cholerae. This disease spreads through contaminated food and water. The infection of cholera is more common during fairs and after the floods. Sometimes it occurs in epidemic form.

Symptoms: The symptoms are quick vomiting and suppression of urine formation and onset of profuse effortless rice water like stool. The body becomes cold and eyes turn yellow, the patient loses his weight. Death may occur, if not treated in time due to dehydration and loss of minerals.

Cure (Treatment): Ten drops of nitro- nugretic acid with 4 to 5 drops of amrit dhara affects very much if given 3 to 4 hours.


1. Don’t take stale food.

2. Use boiled drinking water.

3. Fruits and vegetables should be properly washed with water containing potassium permanganate

4. Eatables and food should be covered.

5. Use lemon during rainy seasons.

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