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in With the Photographer by (46.0k points)
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With the Photographer Summary.

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by (52.4k points)
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Leacock goes to a photographer to get himself photographed. He waits for an hour. He is called into the inner room. The photographer is a serious man. He is obviously not satisfied with Leacock’s face. He says his face is wrong. He says it should be three quarters full. Leacock talks about different kinds of faces and agrees with the photgrapher’s view. Meanwhile, the photographer withdraws himself behind the camera under a covered cloth. He comes close to Leacock. He holds his face tenderly. Leacock closes his eyes thinking he is going to kiss his face. But the photographer turns his face in many directions to suit the angle from which he is going to shoot him with his static camera. He gives many directions to Leacock as to how he should pose.

Infact his instructiohs, “close your mouth, droop your ears, turn your face, expand you lungs, raise your hip” annoy Leacock. He is really confused and frightened. He becomes impatient and scolds him for finding fault with his face. It was after all the only face he had lived with for forty years. He is photographed when he is angry and about to get up. The photographer is pleased because he took the photo-when he was animated.

He asks Leacock to come again on Saturday to see the proof of his photograph. To the great annoyance of the author, the photographer claimed to have edited his eyebrows and mouth and wanted to edit his ears using some sophisticated techniques. Leacock tells the photographer that he wanted a photo of his likeness so that family members and friends could see the photo and remember him after his death. He is so angry that he asks the photographer to keep the corrected photo and left the studio in tears of humiliation.

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