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in The World after World War II by (49.7k points)
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Illustrate the cold war developments in case of the Vietnam war. Narrate how North and South Vietnam unified as Independent Nation.

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by (49.1k points)
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1. By 1945, the end of the second world war, Viet Minh controlled the northern half of Vietnam, led by Ho-chi- Minh.

2. Viet Minh and french reached an agreement by which North Vietnam would be a free state. 

3. While French was helped by America, Viet Minh was helped by the new Chinese communist government.

4. War broke out between them. Eventually , France troops were defeated.

5. The Geneva conference that met on Korea and Indo China in 1954, decided that of Laos. Combodia and Vietnam. The independent states would be Laos and Cambodia. Vietnam, temporarily divided.

6. While North Vietnam controlled by Viet Minh with leader Ho-Chi-Minh and south Vietnam would be under the leadership of Bao Dai. 

7. At the same time, South Vietnam was ruled by Ngo Dinh Diem.

8. When U.S wanted to establish a strong Noncommunist government in South Vietnam. In 1965, marines landed on Danang naval base and namely 2,10,000 traps in the country, j (ix) The U.S bombed both North and South.

9. The fighters of North Vietnam trained in Guerrilla warfare sustained.

10. America suffered heavy casualties , vast devastated and many were killed. 

11. The youth rebelled against the horrors of the war.

12. The protest against the war spread all over the world. 

13. By 1975, the armies of the North and the only one party of South Vietnam called National Liberation front of South Vietnam attacked America. 

14. By 30th April 1975, all the American troops had withdrawn and capital of South Vietnam Saigon was liberated.

15. North Vietnam and South Vietnam formally united as one country in 1976. 

16. The city of Saigon was renamed as the Ho-ChiMinh city .

17. Thus, the emergence of Vietnam as a united and Independent nation was an historic event.

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