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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Laws of Motion by (50.9k points)
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Fill in the blanks:

1. Two or more forces are acting in an object and does not change its position, the forces are ………. and it is essential to act some ………. force, to change the state or position of an object. 

2. ……… deals with bodies that are at rest under the action of force.

3. A branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of the bodies considering the cause of motion is called ……… 

4. If m is the mass of a body moving with velocity v then its momentum is given by P = …….. 

5. A system of forces can be brought to equilibrium by applying ………. in opposite direction. 

6. Torque is a ……… quantity. 

7. Steering wheel transfers a torque to the wheels with ……….. 

8. The mathematical form of the principle of moments is ……….. 

9. Change in momentum takes place in the ………. of ……… 

10. 1 Newton = …….. 

11. If a force F acts on a body for a time t’s then the impulse is ……… 

12. 1 kg f = ……… 1

13. The force of attraction between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their ……. and inversely proportional to the square of the ………. between them. 

14. The value of g varies with ……… and ……… 

15. The value of gravitational constant is ……… at all places but the value of acceleration due to gravity ………..

16. The relation between g and G is ………

1 Answer

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by (48.6k points)
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Best answer

1. balanced, unbalanced 

2. Statics 

3. kinetics 

4. mv 

5. equilibriant 

6. vector 

7. less effort 

8. F1 × d1 = F2 × d2 

9. direction, force 

10. 105 dyne

11. I = F × t 

12. 9.8 N 

13. masses, distance 

14. altitude, depth 

15. same, differs

16. g = \(\frac{GM}{R^2}\)

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