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in Supplementary - A Dilemma by (52.2k points)
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What did Uncle Jim tell his nephew a week before his death?

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by (54.5k points)
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Tom was just thirty-seven when his Uncle Philip died. A week before that event Jim sent for him and it was the first day Tom had ever seen his uncle. At that time Tom was a poor clerk. When Tom sat down by his bedside, he began, with a malicious grin and told him that he must be thinking about this strange meet. He told him that he would explain why it was strange too. He told him that he had been living on an annuity into which he put his fortune.

In other words, he, has been, as to money, concentric half of his life to enable him to be as eccentric as he pleased the rest of it. He added that now he repented of his wickedness to all of them and desire to live in the memory of at least one of his family. Jim also told Tom that he might think he was poor and had only his annuity but said that he would be surprised to know how profitable he was. He said that he had never parted with his precious stones and that they would be Tom’s after his death since he has accepted him to be his sole heir.

He said that he should carry with him to the other world the satisfaction of making one man happy. Uncle Jim also told Tom that there wasn’t any doubt about his expectations and that he should continue to expect. He told Tom about his jewels in the safe and that he should pay for his funeral. ‘Man is an idea, and a precious small idea once he turns his back.’

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