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in Politics of Planned Development by (58.8k points)
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‘Land Reforms’ was a major development that happened during the early phase of development. Evaluate the merit and demerits of land reforms

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by (49.0k points)
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Green Revolution is the name given to the policies of the government which aimed at maximum production in the minimum period in the agricultural sector. In the 1960s, the agricultural sector was in a very bad shape. Between 1965 and 67 there were huge droughts in many parts of India. This reduced food production and in many areas there was famine like condition.

To overcome this crisis, India was forced to seek assistance from countries like America. Following the American policies, we too started sorrie new economic policies.The government wanted self sufficiency in food and therefore a new agricultural policy was implemented. This policy included farming all lands where irrigation was available, using high yield varieties of seeds and fertilizing the land.

Subsidies were given for irrigation and insecticides. It was also decided that the government would purchase the produce at a minimum price. All these changes together paved the way for what is ‘known as the Green Revolution.

The Green Revolution brought some positive changes in agricultural growth. Food stuff was easily available. it was the rich. owners that were the prime beneficiaries. There was a polarization of the rich and poor. This helped the Left Parties to bring together the poor farmers and the masses. As a result, there arose a powerful Left leaning lobby of middle class farmers.

The White Revolution simply means increasing the availability of milk. The Gujarat Cooperative Milk and Marketing Federation Limited (AMUL) was formed. AMUL is a cooperative venture of some 2 lakh milk producers. This is a good area in which people below the poverty line (BPL) could be helped. This is known as the White Revolution. In 1970, the village development scheme Operation Flood’ began its operation.

This scheme avoided middle men and brought together the producers and the consumers, helping both the groups. Producers got good money for their products and consumers got their milk cheaper. It helped in increasing milk production, helping the producers to have regular fixed incomes, it showed this scheme helped in the over-all development of the country. It gives employment and income to the villagers, it was Varghese Kurian who played the major role in the formation of AMUL. He is therefore known as the “Milkman” of India.

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