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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Financial Markets by (30.3k points)
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1. What is the Secondary market? 

2. Explain the functions of Secondary Market.

3. Distinguish it from the Primary Market.

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by (29.3k points)
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1. Secondary market:

The secondary market is also known as the stock market or Stock exchange. It is a market for the purchase and sale of existing securities. It also provides liquidity and marketability to existing securities 

2. Functions of a Stock Exchange:

a. Providing Liquidity and Marketability to Existing Securities:

Stock Exchange provides a ready and continuous market for the sale and purchase of securities.

b. Pricing of Securities: 

A stock exchange is a mechanism of constant valuation through which the prices of securities are determined. It is based on the forces of demand and supply.

c. Safety of Transaction:

Stock exchange has its own well defined rules and regulations. This ensures safety and fair dealings to investors.

d. Contributes to Economic Growth:

Stock exchange provides a platform by which savings are channelised into the most productive investment proposals, which leads to capital formation and economic growth.

e. Providing Scope for Speculation:

Stock exchange provides scope within the provisions of Law for speculation in a restricted and controlled manner.

f. Economic barometer:

A stock exchange serves as a barometer of a country’s economic condition. Price trends in stock exchange indicate whether economy is going through boom or depression.

3. Differences between Primary Market and Secondary Market:

  Primary Market   Secondary Market
1. It deals with new securities. 1. It deals with existing securities.
2. It promotes capital formation directly. 2. It promotes capital formation indirectly.
3. Investors can only buy securities. 3. Investors can buy and sell the securities.
4. Prices of the securities are determined by the management of the company. 4. Prices are determined by the demand and supply of securities.
5. Companies sell securities directly 5. Prices are determined by the demand and supply of securities.

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