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in Didi by (31.3k points)
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With the idea of teaching the underprivileged children, Shaheen Mistry decided to start Akansha Centre and the Principal of Holy Name School at Coloba agreed to give a room in his school. Write the likely conversation between Shaheen Mistry and the Principal. (At least four exchanges.)

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by (30.9k points)
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Shaheen Mistry: Good morning, Sir! I am Shaheen Mistry, a social activist. 

Principal : Good morning, Shaheen. I’ve heard aboufyou. What can I do for you? 

SM : Sir, I think you can be of great help to me in solving a serious problem that we are facing. For educating the underprivileged children, we have started an organization called Akanksha. We want a room here for conducting our classes. 

P : A room in this school? I don’t think it would be possible. We’re already running short of rooms and we nd it hard to accommodate our own students. 

SM : Sir, we need the room only after your regular class hours. We understand that you close the school at 4.00. So, maybe, from 4.30 you can lend us a room till 7.30 or so. Thus we get three hours to teach. 

P : Shaheen, I am really sorry that I can’t do that. Soon after the class hours we get the rooms cleaned and keep them locked till the following morning. 

SM : Sir, we assure you that the room you give us will be cleaned properly after our lessons are over. We are trying to uplift the underprivileged children. 

P : I do want to help, but

SM : Sir, don’t say “but”.. Please give us a room. Your good gesture will help thousands of underprivileged children here. So, please be positive, Sir! 

P : Okay, since you insist and since it is for a good cause, I will give you a room. 

SM : Thank you, Sir! Thank you very much!

P : It’s okay.

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