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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Crime and Punishment by (31.3k points)
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Imagine that your class is going to dramatise the story ‘Crime and Punishment’. You are asked to write a script for the extinct given below which forms the beginning of the play. ‘What is sixteen and three multiplied?” asked the teacher…….. “Twenty four,” with, as it seemed to the teacher, a wicked smile on his lips at the mention of “Twenty four, “the teacher felt his blood rushing to his head…….. he reached across the table, and delivered a wholesome slap on the youngster’s cheek… “I will tell them,” sobbed the boy. Prepare the script.

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by (30.9k points)
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(A small classroom. There is a small desk and a small chair for a small boy to sit and learn. There is a chair for the teacher. A small blackboard is fixed on to the wall near the teacher. The teacher, a man of around 36, is standing with an Arithmetic Text Book prescribed for Form I. A boy is sitting lazily in the class. There is a fan working. Its noise can be heard. A tuition class is going on.) Teacher: What is 16 and 3 multiplied? Boy (smiling wickedly): 24 Teacher (His face shows anger): How many times did I tell you that 16 x 3 is 48? (Pointing his finger at the boy) Do you get it? Boy: (Nodding his head vigorously) Yes! Yes! Teacher: Okay! What is 16 and 3 multiplied? Boy: (With a mischievous smile): 24 Teacher (Very angry.) Yes, 24! You, gorilla! (He rushes to the boy in a rage and gives him a hard slap on the boy’s cheek. The boy never expected such a thing to happen.) Boy: Aiyo! Aiyo! My teeth are broken, (caressing his cheeks) Oh My God! Oh My God! I will tell my parents you slapped me. I will tell my parents. (He cries loudly. The teacher is confused and he is trying to calm down the boy.)

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