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Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Neural Control and Coordination with Answers?

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You will discover a rundown of Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Neural Control and Coordination with Answers according to the most recent recommended syllabus. Understand the concept obviously by reliably practicing the MCQ Questions and score well in your exams. An ace up your preparation with the MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology accessible on and upgrade your subject information.

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Practice MCQ Questions for class 11 Biology Chapter-Wise

1. Which one of the following is the function of the parasympathetic nervous system?

(a) Stimulates oil and sweat glands in the skin
(b) Pupil constriction
(c) Acceleration of heartbeat
(d) Contraction of hair muscles

2. During resting state, fluid outside axon contains

(a) low concentration of K+
(b) low concentration of Na+
(c) low concentration of Cl
(d) high concentration of Cl

3. Which portion of the brain is responsible for various emotions such as pleasure, fear, and happiness?

(a) Thalamus
(b) Reticular formation
(c) Hypothalamus
(d) Limbic system

4. The basic cyclic pattern of inspiration and expiration is established by a respiratory center within the ...........

(a) Cerebellum
(b) Medulla oblongata
(c) Cerebral cortex
(d) Thalamus

5. Vestibular apparatus is made up of three semicircular canals. These canals lie at .............. degree angle to each other.

(a) 30
(b) 45
(c) 60
(d) 90

6. There are ...... pairs of cranial nerves arising from the brain.

(a) 8
(b) 12
(c) 18
(d) 25

7. The function of vagus nerve innervating the heart is to

(a) Initiate the heartbeat
(b) Reduce the heartbeat
(c) Accelerate the heartbeat
(d) Maintain constant heartbeat

8. Which of the following nerves is the largest of all the cranial nerves?

(a) Abducens nerve
(b) Oculomotor nerve
(c) Olfactory nerve
(d) Trigeminal nerve

9. Which layer is in contact with brain tissues?

(a) Piamater
(b) Arachnoid
(c) Duramater
(d) Piamater and Arachnoid

10. The thin and convoluted outer layer of gray matter that covers the cerebral hemispheres is

(a) Medulla oblongata
(b) Thalamus
(c) Cerebral cortex
(d) Meninges

11. Rods and cones of eyes are modified

(a) bipolar neuron
(b) multipolar neuron
(c) unipolar neuron
(d) None of these

12. The black pigment in the eye which reduces the internal reflection is located in

(a) retina
(b) cornea
(c) iris
(d) sclerotic

13. Eustachian tube connects

(a) Middle ear with pharynx
(b) Internal pharynx
(c) External ear with internal ear
(d) External ear with middle ear

14. The purplish red pigment rhodopsin contained in the rods type of photoreceptor cells of the human eye, is a derivative of

(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B1
(c) Vitamin D
(d) Vitamin C

15. The gelatinous membrane covering the sensory hair cells of the ear is known as

(a) tectorial membrane
(b) Reissner's membrane
(c) basilar membrane
(d) neuro-sensory membrane

16. The local depolarization of a receptor-cell membrane is called as

(a) action potential
(b) resting potential
(c) threshold potential
(d) None of these

17. Arbor vitae is composed of

(a) White matter
(b) Neuroglea cells
(c) Grey matter
(d) All of these

18. The third ventricle of the brain is also known as 

(a) metacoel
(b) rhinocoel  
(c) paracoel
(d) diacoel

19. Which part of the human brain is concerned with the regulation of body temperature? 

(a) Cerebrum 
(b) Hypothalamus 
(c) Medulla Oblongata 
(d) Cerebellum

20. Through which aperture the spinal cord passes out of skull:-

(a) Foramen of Monro
(b) Foramen of paninze
(c) Foramen of magnum
(d) None of the above

21. Injury to vagus nerve in humans is not likely to affect:

(a) tongue movements
(b) gastrointestinal movements
(c) pancreatic secretion
(d) cardiac movements

22. Iodopsin is related with 

(a) Brain
(b) Spinal cord
(c) Cones
(d) Kidney

23.  Aperture of an eye can be changed by 

(a) Aquous humor
(b) Vitreous humor 
(c) Ciliary muscles
(d) Iris

24. Which one of the following meninges is present only in mammalian brain:

(a) Duramater
(b) Arachnoid
(c) Piamater
(d) None of the above

25. In the human eye, the visual acuity is highest at:

(a) Macula lutea
(b) Optic disc
(c) Fovea centralis
(d) Optic chiasma

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1. Answer : (b) Pupil constriction

Explanation: The basic autonomic mechanism controlling the pupil is straightforward: pupil constriction is mediated via parasympathetic activation of the circular sphincter pupillae muscle, and dilation via sympathetic activation of the radial dilator pupillae muscle.

2. Answer : (a) low concentration of K+

Explanation: In contrast, the fluid outside the axon contains a low concentration of K+, a high concentration of Na+ and thus forms a concentration gradient.

3. Answer : (d) Limbic system

Explanation: A limbic system is a group of interconnected structures located deep within the brain. It's the part of the brain that's responsible for behavioral and emotional responses.

4. Answer : (b) Medulla oblongata

Explanation: The dorsal group of neurons located in the dorsal portion of medulla oblongata regulates inspiration and the ventral group of neurons located in the ventrolateral part of medulla oblongata regulates both inspiration and expiration.

5. Answer : (d) 90

Explanation:  There are three pairs of semicircular ducts, which are oriented roughly 90 degrees to each other for maximum ability to detect angular rotation of the head.

6. Answer :(b) 12

Explanation:  Twelve pairs of cranial nerves emerge from the inferior surface of the brain. All of these nerves, except the vagus nerve, pass through foramina of the skull to innervate structures in the head, neck, and facial region.

7. Answer : (b) Reduce the heartbeat

Explanation: Stimulating involuntary contractions in the digestive tract allowing food to move through the tract. Hence, the vagus nerve which innervates the heart reduces the heartbeat.

8. Answer : (d) Trigeminal nerve

Explanation: Among all of those, the trigeminal (V, fifth) is the largest cranial nerve. It is a mixed nerve, with both sensory and motor components. It has 3 branches: ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular.

9. Answer : (a) Piamater

Explanation: The inner layer of the cranial meninges, the pia mater is in contact with the brain tissue.

10. Answer : (c) Cerebral cortex

Explanation: The cerebrum's thin outer layer of gray matter. It consists of neurons' cell bodies and dendrites.

11. Answer : (a) bipolar neuron

Explanation:  A bipolar neuron has two extensions- one dendrite and other axons. They are specialized sensory neurons for the transmission of senses like smell, sight, taste, hear touch, and balance.

12. Answer : (a) retina

Explanation: The vascular layer of the eye lies beneath the fibrous layer. It consists of the choroid, iris and ciliary body and the inner layer is formed by the retina. 

13. Answer : (a) Middle ear with pharynx

Explanation: The eustachian tube (pharyngotympanic tube) connects the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx. It aerates the middle ear system and clears mucus from the middle ear into the nasopharynx. Opening and closing functions of the eustachian tube are physiologically and pathologically important.

14. Answer : (a) Vitamin A

Explanation: The rods contain a purplish red protein called the rhodopsin or visual purple, which contains a derivative of vitamin - A. There are two types of photoreceptor cells of the retina, namely rods, and cones.

15. Answer : (a) tectorial membrane

Explanation: The basilar membrane is the organ of Corti, an array of hair cells with stereocilia that contact a gelatinous membrane called the tectorial membrane. Sound entering the inner ear stimulates different regions of the basilar membrane, depending on sound frequency.

16. Answer : (a) action potential

Explanation: An action potential, also referred to as a spike, is an all-or-none, rapid, transient depolarization of the neuron's membrane. A local depolarization to the threshold potential opens voltage-gated sodium channels, and the rapid influx of sodium ions brings the membrane potential to a positive value.

17. Answer : (a) White matter

Explanation: Arbor vitae is mainly composed of white cells.  Arborvitae can be damaged by pathogens that can affect the overall functions of the brain.

18. Answer : (d) diacoel

Explanation: The third ventricle of the brain is present in the diencephalon of the forebrain region between the right and left thalamus and thus it is also known as diocoel.

19. Answer : (b) Hypothalamus 

Explanation: Hypothalamus part of human brain is concerned with the regulations of body temperature. The hypothalamus is a portion of the brain that contains a number of small nuclei with a variety of functions. The hypothalamus is small cone-shaped structure, projects downward, ending in the pituitary.

20. Answer : (c) Foramen of magnum

Explanation: The spinal cord, an extension of the medulla oblongata, passes through the foramen magnum as it exits the cranial cavity.

21. Answer : (a) tongue movements

Explanation: Vagus nerve innervates the pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, stomach, lungs, heart, and intestines. Thus, injury to vagus nerve will not affect tongue movements as it does not innervate tongue.

22. Answer : (c) Cones

Explanation: Iodopsin, the cone pigment system in chicken retina, is a close analog of the visual purple rhodopsin that is used in night vision. Iodopsin consists of the protein component and a bound chromophore, retinal.

23. Answer : (d) Iris

Explanation: Iris. Aperture is the hole through which light enters the eye. Its size can is changed and controlled by iris.

24. Answer : (b) Arachnoid

Explanation: The presence of arachenoid meter is the character stick of mammals.. it is only present in mammals, not any other animals. The arachnoid mater is one of the three meninges, the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.

25. Answer : (c) Fovea centralis

Explanation: The fovea centralis is located in the center of the macula lutea, a small, flat spot located exactly in the center of the posterior portion of the retina. As the fovea is responsible for high-acuity vision it is densely saturated with cone photoreceptors.

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