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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in English by (38.6k points)
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Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

Tiny vestiges of the old terror would return. But now I could frown and say to that terror, “Trying to scare me, eh? Well, here’s to you! Look!” And off I’d go for another length of the pool. This went on until July. But I was still not satisfied. I was not sure that all the terror had left. So, I went to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire, dived off a dock at Triggs Island, and swam two miles across the lake to Stamp Act Island. I swam the crawl, breast stroke, side stroke, and back stroke. Only once did the terror return. When I was in the middle of the lake, I put my face under and saw nothing but bottomless water. The old sensation returned in miniature.

1. Why did Douglas go to swim at Lake Wentworth? 

A. To showcase his skills for all who had doubted him. 

B. To honour the efforts of his swimming instructor. 

C. To build on his ability of swimming in a natural water body. 

D. To know for sure that he had overcome his fear of drowning in water.

2. Select the option that lists the correct inference based on the information in the extract. 

A. Triggs Island and Stamp Act Island are both located in Lake Wentworth. 

B. Lake Wentworth is a part of Triggs Island. 

C. Stamp Act Island is two miles away from New Hampshire. 

D. Lake Wentworth is connected via docks to New Hampshire.

3. What was the reason for the ‘return’ of terror? 

A. Superstitions about the dock at Triggs Islands 

B. Recent reports about drowning incidents 

C. Prior drowning experiences 

D. Warnings by experienced swimmers

4. Douglas mentions that the old sensation returned in miniature. He means that he felt the familiar feeling of fear ………

A. at irregular intervals. 

B. on a small scale. 

C. repeatedly. 

D. without notice.

5. How did Douglas handle the ‘old sensation’? 

A. Addressed it. 

B. Avoided it. 

C. Submitted to it. 

D. Stayed indifferent to it.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (33.6k points)
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Best answer

1. Correct answer is: D. To know for sure that he had overcome his fear of drowning in water.

2. Correct answer is: A. Triggs Island and Stamp Act Island are both located in Lake Wentworth.

3. Correct answer is: C. prior drowning experiences

4. Correct answer is: B. on a small scale

5. Correct answer is: A. Addressed it.

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