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in English by (33.4k points)
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Satyajit Ray and his friends had to shoot scenes involving the tiger twice, M Notun Gram and Boral. Write the events that took place in both the places in a sequential order and then describe the shooting:

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by (37.2k points)
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Shooting at Notun Gram Shooting at Boral
Found a suitable bamboo grove in Notun Gram. Found bamboo grove near Calcutta in Boral.
A lorry arrived with two well-fed tigers. The lorry arrived with Thorat, the tiger, the steel wire, the special collar and the iron rod.
A tripod was placed facing the bamboo grove to mount the camera. The whole village came to watch the shooting. The villagers were told to keep at 70 feet away from the scene of the shot.
The audience was instructed to get behind the camera. Without listening to the instructions, the entire crowd got as close to the camera as they could.
Goopy and Bagha were placed close to the bamboo grove so that they could be seen along with the tiger. Thorat opened the cage. With a roar the tiger charged towards the crowd.
A five-foot iron rod was fixed to the ground, some 30 feet from the area where the tiger was to walk The crowd disappeared as if my magic.
A tiger-skin collar with a thin wire inside was placed in the neck of the tiger. The tiger calmed down and the shots were’ taken as required
The door of the cage was opened and the tiger jumped out. But instead of walking calmly it started running and jumping about. This time the tiger and the camera behaved well.
When it became calm some shots were taken.
But the shots were dark owing to poor light.

Description of the shooting:

We found a suitable bamboo grove in Notun Gram. As arranged with Mr. Thorat of Bharat Circus, a lorry arrived with two well-fed tigers. He brought two so that if one did not do things properly the other could be used. Atripod was placed facing the bamboo grove to mount the camera. The audience was instructed to get behind the camera. Goopy and Bagha were placed close to the bamboo grove so that they could be seen along with the tiger. A five-foot iron rod was fixed to the ground, some 30 feet from the area where the tiger was to walk. A tiger-skin collar with a thin wire inside was placed in the neck of the tiger. The door of the cage was opened and the tiger jumped out. But instead of walking calmly it started running and jumping about. When it became calm some shots were taken. But the shots were later found to be dark owing to poor light.

The scenes had to be shot a second time. A bamboo grove near Calcutta in Boral was found. The lorry arrived with Thorat, the tiger, the steel wire, the special collar and the iron rod. The whole village came to watch the shooting. The villagers were told to keep at least 70 feet away from the scene of the shot. Without listening to the instructions, the entire crowd got as close to the camera as they could. Thorat opened the cage. With a roar the tiger charged towards the crowd. The crowd disappeared as if my magic. Soon the tiger calmed down and the shots were taken as required. This time the tiger and the camera behaved well.

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