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in English by (32.3k points)
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Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

Ausable moved to an armchair and sat down heavily." I am going to raise the devil with the management this time, and you can bet on it, " he said grimly.

1. Who is the speaker and the listener?

(i) The speaker is Fowler and the listener is Ausable.

(ii) The speaker is Ausable and the listener is both Fowler and Max.

(iii) The speaker is Ausable and the listener is Max.

(iv) The speaker is Max and the listener is Ausable and Fowler.

2. What does Ausable means in these lines?

(i) According to him, somebody had entered his room through balcony the first time and he would not tolerate that. So he would raise the issue of privacy and security with the management.

(ii) According to him, somebody had entered his room, the third time through the balcony. So he would raise the issue of privacy and security with the management.

(iii) According to him, somebody had entered his room the second time through balcony's he would raise the issue of privacy and security with the management .

(iv) According to him , somebody has entered his room for the first through the balcony. So he would raise the issue of privacy and security with Fowler.

3. Who is the author of the story?

(i) Robert Arthur wrote the following story.

(ii) Adrienne Rich wrote the following story.

(iii) William Shakespeare wrote the following story.

(iv) Ben Johnson wrote the following story.

4. Why was Ausable grimming?

(i) Ausable was grimming at the late service of the waiter because he was very hungry at that point of time.

(ii) Ausable was grimming to make Max believe that here is a balcony in his room and somebody entered in his room through that balcony earlier.

(iii) Ausable was grimming because he was annoyed to look at the dirty hotel room because he loved cleanliness.

(iv) Ausable was grimming at Max because he came without informing him in his room.

5. Describe the appearance of Ausable?

(i) Ausable was a very thin man.

(ii) Ausable was a quite tall man.

(iii) Ausable was quite a very short man,

(iv) Ausable was very fat man.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (32.1k points)
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Best answer

1. (ii) The speaker is Ausable and the listener is both Fowler and Max.

2. (iii) According to him, somebody had entered his room the second time through balcony s he would raise the issue of privacy and security with the management.

3. (iv) Robert Arthur wrote the following story.

4. (v) Ausable was grimming to make Max believe that here is a balcony in his room and somebody entered in his room through that balcony earlier.

5. (iv) Ausable was very fat man.

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