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in English by (32.1k points)
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Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

How foolish people are when they own valuable things, Horace thought. A magazine article had described this house, giving a plan of all the rooms and a picture of this room. The writer had even mentioned that the painting hid a safe!

1. How did Horace know about the details of the house?

(i) Horace had been studying the house for the past two weeks. Moreover, a magazine article had described the house, giving a plan of all the rooms and picture of the room. There were also details of the safe hidden behind the painting.

(ii) Horace had bribed a servant of the house who routinely and regularly sent him pictures of the hosse, blueprints and other details as well and he came to know about the house in great detail.

(iii) Horace had bribed the lady of the house who routinely and regularly sent him pictures of the hosse, blueprints and other details as well and he came to know about the house in great detail.

(iv) Horace worked for a mob and his boss sent people to scout the area and look into the house and its conditions. ’t prompted Horace o study the house in detail.

2. Do you think Horace was good and respectable?

(i) Horace was good and respectable.

(ii) Horace was not good and respectable.

(iii) Horace was partially good and respectable.

(iv) It is not clear from the story if Horace was good and respectable.

3. Why do you think Horace Danby wasn't completely honest?

(i) Horace Danby wasn't completely honest because he was a practiced lier.

(ii) Horace Danby wasn't completely honest because he used to rob once a year to get money to buy expensive books.

(iii) Horace Danby wasn't completely honest because he used to pick pockets of strangers and drink up with the stolen money.

(iv) Horace Danby wasn't completely honest because he used to cheat in every situation possible.

4. Where was the safe hidden?

(i) The safe was hidden behind a wall.

(ii) The safe was hidden in the basement.

(iii) The safe was hidden behind a painting.

(iv) The safe was hidden behind a statue.

5. Where did Horace see the picture of the room?

(i) Horace saw the picture of the room in an advertisement.

(ii) Horace saw the picture of the room on his friend's laptop.

(iii) Horace saw the picture of the room on the internet.

(iv) Horace saw the picture of the room in a magazine.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (32.3k points)
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Best answer

1. (i) Horace had been studying the house for the past two weeks. Moreover, a magazine article had described the house, giving a plan of all the rooms and picture of the room. There were also details of the safe hidden behind the painting.

2. (i) Horace was good and respectable.

3. (ii) Horace Danby wasn5t completely honest because he used to rob once a year to get money to buy expensive books.

4. (iii) The safe was hidden behind a painting.

5. (iv) Horace saw the picture of the room in a magazine.

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