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in English by (30.6k points)
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Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 

Midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore sits a piece of heaven that must have drifted from the kingdom of God. This land of rolling hills is inhabited by a proud race of martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures. Coorg, or Kodagu, the smallest district of Karnataka, is home to evergreen rainforests, spices and coffee plantations. Evergreen rainforests cover thirty percent of this district. During the monsoons, it pours enough to keep many visitors away. The season of joy commences from September and continues till March. The weather is perfect, with some showers thrown in for good measure. The air breathes of invigorating coffee. Coffee estates and colonial bungalows stand tucked under tree canopies in prime corners.

1. Where is Coorg situated?

a. Coorg is situated between Mysore and the coastal town of Bangalore.

b. Coorg is situated between Hyderabad and the coastal town of Bangalore.

c. Coorg is situated between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore.

d. Coorg is situated between Mysore and the coastal town of Chennai.

2. Which crops grow in Coorg in plenty?

a. Spices and tea grow in Coorg in plenty.

b. Spices and rice grow in Coorg in plenty.

c. Tea and coffee grow in Coorg in plenty.

d. Spices and coffee grow in Coorg in plenty.

3. What is the best time of the year to visit Coorg?

a. The best period to visit Coorg is between September and October.

b. The best period to visit Coorg is between September and March.

c. The best period to visit Coorg is between September and December.

d. The best period to visit Coorg is between November and March.

4. What does the author say about the people of Coorg?

a. The author says that the Coorg is inhabited by a proud race of martial men and beautiful women.

b. The people of Coorg are very smart according to the author.

c. The people of Coorg are very hardworking according to the author.

d. The people of Coorg are very arrogant according to the author.

5. Coorg is also known as ______.

a. Coorg is also known as Kodagu.

b. Coorg is also known as Kaveri.

c. Coorg is also known as Kannada.

d. Coorg is also known as Coorgan.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (30.7k points)
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Best answer

1. c. Coorg is situated between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore.

2. d. Spices and coffee grow in Coorg in plenty.

3. b. The best period to visit Coorg is between September and March.

4. a. The author says that the Coorg is inhabited by a proud race of martial men and beautiful women.

5. a. Coorg is also known as Kodagu.

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