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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Geography by (37.0k points)
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Study the given map in fig and answer the following questions.

(i) In which hemisphere do you find more concentration of industries? 

(ii) In which part of North America has the industrial region been mainly developed? 

(iii) In which part of Europe is concentration of industries mainly found? 

(iv) Why is less industrial development found in other parts of African continent except coastal areas? 

(v) In which part of India do you find concentration of industries? 

(vi) Why do you think coastal areas have higher concentration industries? 

(vii) Write a concluding paragraph on latitudinal distribution of industries in the world.

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by (34.7k points)
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(i) Northern Hemisphere. 

(ii) North eastern Region. 

(iii) North western, South and Central part 

(iv) Dense forest, deserts, mountains, grasslands in other parts of African continent are responsible for less development of industries. 

(v) Portal cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and other areas like Delhi, Bangalore, Chota Nagpur etc.

(vi) Coastal areas have better ports and inland water transport facilities. Even road and rail transport are well developed.

  • Extensive level land.
  • Industries which depend on imported raw material like oil prefer to develop on coastal areas.
  • Industries which need humid climate develop in coastal areas for example textile industry.

(vii) Major industrial regions are concentrated in Northern Hemisphere in the latitudinal belt of 30° North to 50° North latitudes. However, there is an exception of Siberian industrial region in Russia.

North America, major European countries, Japan, China and parts of Russia falls in this latitudinal belt.

Major cause of the development of industries in this latitudinal belt is the Industrial Revolution in Europe.

In this region both mineral based and agro-based industries have developed.

Development of science and technology, skilled labour, well developed transportation facilities, high standard of living and extensive local market in this latitudinal belt are the other factors responsible for the development of industries.

However, outside this major industrial belt in Northern Hemisphere* only exception is India, industries have developed in latitudinal belt 8° North to 20° North.

Even in Southern Hemisphere industries have developed in the same latitudinal belt i.e. 30° South to 50° South latitudinal belt in South Africa, South America and South Australia.

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