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in Psychology by (38.0k points)
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Explain excessive dependence on the internet. 

(a) Meaning 

(b) Four C’s to identify excessive internet usage 

(c) Red flags that indicate internet addiction.

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by (39.2k points)
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(a) Meaning 

The amount of time as well as reason for using the internet may become a matter of concern for e.g., online gambling, gaming, etc. The person may socialise more online with friends than real life socialising. Spending excess time online may cause the person to neglect family, relationships, work etc. Virtual world enables games/gambling almost continuously. This leads to the person neglecting personal hygiene, real life relationships and become withdrawn and irresponsible. The person may feel guilty or defensive about internet use. He/ she may panic in the absence of internet service. A growing dependence on internet refers to an inability to stop and down down.

(b) Four C’s to identify excessive internet usage 

Excessive internet usage is characterised by extensive, problematic addiction to the use of computer and internet. It signifies poorly controlled preoccupations or behaviour regarding such usage. Excessive internet usage leads to personal distress and social impairment. The four C’s to identify excessive internet usage are as follows

1. Craving – Do you have an intense desire to use the internet? 

2. Control – Do you have an inability to control your self using the internet? 

3. Compulsion – Do you find it difficult to stop using the internet? Even though you know you should not spend so much time on it? 

4. Consequence – Have you ever experienced any physical or psychological ill effects as a result of excessive use of the internet? If you answer a ‘yes’ for at least three of the C’s, it can be a matter of concern.

(c) Red flags that indicate internet addiction 

The Red Flags that indicate over dependence on internet are

1. Feelings of euphoria while using the internet. 

2. Physical symptoms like headache, dry eyes, etc.

3. Inability to keep to schedules and boredom with routine tasks. 

4. Poor personal hygiene and nutrition to remain online.

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