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in Business Studies by (43.0k points)
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Explain the kind of motion.

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by (43.3k points)
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A motion is a proposal put before the meeting for discussion and decision. A person who proposes a motion is called a proposer or a mover of a motion. Kinds of Motion:

  • Formal Motion 
  • Substantive Motion

(i) Formal Motion: Formal motions are moved for the purpose of preventing or delaying or speeding up discussion on a motion. 

Types of Formal Motion:

(a) Closure Motion: This motion is moved when sufficient time is spent on the discussion of a particular motion. Any member can propose that ‘The question be now put’ to vote. This is a closure motion. The main object of this motion is to avoid waste of time and to arrive at a quick decision. If this motion is put to vote and if the majority approves, no further discussion is permitted.

(b) Previous Question Motion: The main purpose of this motion is to prevent discussion on the main motion. When a member feels that it is unwise to consider the main motion, they may move the previous question. The wording of this motion is ‘The question be not now put’. If it is carried, the discussion on the main motion is dropped. If the previous question is lost, the original motion is put to vote.

(c) Next Business Motion: The purpose of the motion is similar to the previous question motion. The wording of the motion is ‘The meeting to proceed to next business. Such a motion is moved when a member feels that the main motion under discussion is of little importance and other items of importance remain to be transacted. If it is carried, the original motion is dropped at once and the meeting proceeds to the next business.

(d) Adjournment of Debate Motion: The main aim of this motion is to postpone the debate. The wordings of this motion are ‘The debate on the subject is adjourned’. The mover of the motion feels that some extra information is needed for further discussion and the discussion should be delayed for some time. If this motion is carried, the debate will be adjourned. If it is lost, the debate continues.

(e) Adjournment of Meeting: The main aim of this motion is to postpone the meeting for a particular period or indefinite period. The wording of this motion is ‘The meeting be now adjourned’. If it is carried the meeting is postponed to a future date. If it is lost, the meeting continues.

(ii) Substantive Motion: A motion that is changed due to an amendment is called a substantive motion. When an amendment is passed, it is incorporated in the original motion and the substantive motion is put to vote. If it is passed, it becomes a resolution.

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