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in English by (83.5k points)

In 200-250 words write a story based on the input given below : 

Two teams - in the playground - whistle blew - match about to begin - the two captains looked tense - suddenly there was a commotion.

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by (79.9k points)
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It was a great opportunity for me as I got a chance to watch a football match between Mohan Baghan of India and Massay club of Sri Lanka. I had already taken my seat. Both the teams were on the ground. It was a beautiful play ground. There was greenery, around it and different kinds of flowers were blooming. The weather was very charming and a gentle, cold breeze was blowing. I was excited to watch the match. The audience was also excited. They were blowing whistles and shouting slogans. All of us had been waiting for the match to start. The referees were also on the ground. The whistle blew which was a signal to both the teams to line up as the Prime Minister was in the stadium for inauguration. After formal introduction, the match was about to begin. The players of both the teams were in full zeal to show their game. All of a sudden. there was an announcement to be beware of the unknown things and keep them away. There was a secret report of some terrorists who were there. The two captains looked tense. No body knew, what to do. Suddenly, there was a commotion in one of the corners of the stadium. The police was there and they were holding two persons by their collar and took them away. The two terrorists had been arrested. Now, there was another announcement that everything was allright. The warning had been taken back. Now bottle the captains along with the audience were pleased. There was a great thrill in the match. Mohan Baghan won the match by 3 to 1 goals. Everyone was delighted.

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