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in Biology by (113k points)
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Charles Darwin gave the idea of:
1. biological classification
2. cell as a unit of life
3. gene
4. evolution

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Correct Answer - Option 4 : evolution

Concept - 

  • Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who first gave the idea of evolution.
  • Charles Darwin is regarded as the "Father of Evolution." 
  • Because of his contributions to the development of evolution theory, his hypothesis helped to dispel many of the old beliefs that the creation of different organisms was a divine occurrence or act of the Almighty. 
  • Darwin's book "The Origin of Species" was published in the 1850s within which he defined his understanding of evolution along with Natural selection.
  • Evolution -
    • Biological evolution is based on the premise that populations and species of organisms evolve over time.
    • He came to the conclusion that evolution occurred over a very long period of time.
    • Since the changes and adaptations take a long time to stabilize and give rise to a new species, it is a slow and steady process. 
    • He suggested that organisms evolve (or, as he put it, "descent with modification") and that all living things descend from a common ancestor.
    • Species continue to evolve or change over time. The requirements of an organism change as the climate changes, and they adapt to the new environment. Adaptation refers to the process of adapting over time in response to natural requirements.
  • Natural selection - 
    • Natural selection is the mechanism suggested by Darwin for evolution. Darwin also suggested natural selection as a method for evolution.
    •  Natural resources are scarce, species with heritable traits that favor survival and reproduction will appear to leave more offspring than their peers, increasing the frequency of the traits over generations. Hence, inculcating the process of natural selection. 
    • Natural selection is also termed as "Survival of the fittest". 
    • Natural selection allows populations to adapt to their environments over time, or become increasingly well-suited to them.
    • Darwin discovered that adjacent islands in the Galápagos had finch species that were similar but not identical. He also stated that each finch species was well-suited to its climate and function. Wide, tough beaks were found in species that ate large seeds, while small, sharp beaks were found in species that ate insects.
    • Finally, he noted that the finches (and other animals) present on the Galápagos Islands were identical to species found on Ecuador's mainland but distinct from those found elsewhere.

Explanation - 

  • Charles Darwin is called the father of evolution.
  • He provided the concept of evolution stating it as a slow and gradual process where population and species of organisms evolve over time. 
  • Hence, the correct answer for this question is - Evolution

  • The concept of evolution was first given by Charles Darwin. 
  • The first criteria of biological classification was given by Aristotle on the basis of simple morphological characters. 
  • Cell as a unit of life was first recognized by Schleiden and Schwann in their cell theory.
  • Cell theory by Schleiden and Schwann stated - 
  1. All cells only come from preexisting cells (the principle of biogenesis).
  2. Cells are the fundamental units of life.
  • The term "gene" was coined by Wilhelm Johannsen to describe the Mendelian units of heredity.

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