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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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Select the option, which is the logical equivalent of the statement given below:

If you are good in English, then you can write a poem.

1. If you can write a poem, then you are good in English
2. If you cannot write a poem, then you are not good in English
3. If you are not good in English, then you cannot write a poem
4. If you cannot write a poem , then you are good in English

1 Answer

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Correct Answer - Option 2 : If you cannot write a poem, then you are not good in English

To find the logical equivalent of the given statement is we should find its contrapositive.

Concept used: 

Contrapositive and converse Contrapositive and converse are certain
other statements that can be formed from a given statement with “if-then”.

Statement: if p then q

Contrapositive: if not q then not p

If a statement is true, the contrapositive is also true.

For example, let us consider the following “if-then” statement:

  • If you are good in English, then you can write a poem. 

Then the contrapositive of this statement is:

  • If you cannot write a poem, then you are not good in English.

Note that both these statements convey the same meaning. Therefore, if you cannot write a poem, then you are not good in English.

Hence, Option 2 is correct.

  • Option 1 is not the correct answer.

Given statement: If you are good in English, then you can write a poem.

Option 1: If you can write a poem, then you are good in English

If you are good in English doesn't necessarily mean that you can write a poem.

  • Option 3 is not the correct answer.

Given statement: If you are good in English, then you can write a poem.

Option 3: If you are not good in English, then you cannot write a poem.

The statement states that if someone is good in English, then you can write a poem but it doesn't state anything about someone who is not good in English.

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