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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in GK by (240k points)
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"Absence of minimum income to get the minimum needs of life" is concerned with which of the following types of poverty ?
1. Absolute poverty 
2. Relative poverty 
3. Both the above
4. None of the above

1 Answer

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by (238k points)
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Correct Answer - Option 1 : Absolute poverty 

The Correct answer is Absolute Poverty.

  • Absolute poverty can be defined as the state in which a subject lacks the means to meet his or her basic needs.
  • Such basic needs are often listed in international poverty reduction programs, and usually include food, water, shelter, basic education, and basic medical care.
  • Extreme poverty is typically defined as a state in which a person lacks access to all, or several, of the goods needed for meeting these basic needs.

Absolute Poverty Relative Poverty
Any person not in a position to obtain essential commodities like food, shelter, and clothing are said to experience absolute poverty. Relative poverty does not concentrate on basic needs but rather makes a comparison between two people in the environment.
Income Level is considered in Absolute Poverty. Income level is not considered when measuring relative poverty, as a person will still be considered poor despite meeting his/her basic needs. 
Absolute poverty, however, does not include a broader quality of life issues or the overall level of inequality in society. What the concept fails to recognize is that individuals also have important social and cultural needs. Although people living in relative poverty can be to an extent well-off compared to those living in absolute poverty, they still cannot afford the same standard of life as other people in society.
Measured using the Poverty Line. Measured Using the Gini-Coefficient and Lorenz Curve.
There is a small margin of success where its eradication is concerned.  It is not possible to completely eradicate relative poverty.
Quality of life is poor.  Quality of life may be marginally better as those living under relative poverty may have access to health care services.

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