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TBLT in second language teaching is:‐
1. Tool Based Language Teaching
2. Task Book Language Teaching
3. Task Based Language Teaching
4. Task Based Language Training

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Correct Answer - Option 3 : Task Based Language Teaching
  • Task-based language teaching (TBLT), also known as task-based instruction (TBI), focuses on the use of authentic language and on asking students to do meaningful tasks using the target language.
  • TBLT is not a new approach to language teaching. For example, Prabhu used a task-based approach in secondary classrooms in India as early as 1979.
  • TBLT emerged as a result of applied linguists’ and language teachers’ dissatisfaction with traditional methods in which language was predominantly taught explicitly and decontextualized as a system of rules and elements such as grammar and vocabulary. There were concerns that these approaches were inconsistent with how people really learn a language.
  • Learners were exposed to uncommon language examples and were expected to produce error-free language at a very early stage. Traditional methods of teaching often resulted in learners’ knowing the rules but not knowing when or how to apply them in context.
  • In natural processes of language learning, such as children learning their first language or adult immigrants learning a second language outside of school, individuals do not, for the most part, learn language rules. Instead, they learn how to use the language to communicate their intended message and to exchange and understand ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Task-Based Language Teaching is primarily a student-centred approach. It originated from the Communicative Approach but has since developed its own distinct principles.
  • It seeks to develop student's interlanguage through providing a task and then using language to solve it.

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