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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Physics by (40.9k points)
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How do you verify experimentally that sin i/ sin r is a constant? 


Explain the experiment that shows the relation between angle of incidence and angle of refraction through figure. 


Write an experiment to obtain the relation between angle of incidence and angle of refraction.

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Identifying relation between angle of incidence and angle of refraction.

Materials required : 

A plank, white chart, protractor, scale, small black painted plank, a semi-circular glass disc of thickness nearly 2 cm pencil and laser light.

Procedure :

1. Take a wooden plank which is covered with white chart. 

2. Draw two perpendicular lines, passing through the middle of the paper as shown in the figure (a). 

3. Let the intersecting point be O. 

4. Mark one line as NN which is normal to the another line marked as MM. 

5. Here MM represents the line drawn along the interface of two media and NN represents the normal drawn to this line at ‘O’.

6. Take a protractor and place it along NN in such a way that its centre coincides with ‘O’ as shown in figure (b). 

7. Then mark the angles from 0° to 90° on both sides of the line NN. 

8. Repeat the same on the other side of the line NN. 

9. The angles should be represented on circular line. 

10. Now place semi circular glass disc so that its diameter coincides with the interface line (MM) and its centre coincides with the point O. 

11. Take the laser light and send it along NN in such a way that the laser propagates from air to glass through the interface at point O and observe the way of laser light coming from other side of disc. 

12. There is no deviation.

13. Send Laser light along a line which makes 15° (angle of incidence) with NN and see that it must pass through point O. 

14. Measure its corresponding angle of refraction. 

15. Repeat the experiment with angle of incidences of 20°, 30°, 40°, 50° and 60° and note the corresponding angles of refraction. 

Observation : 

  • Find sin i, sin r for every i and r note down the values in table.
i r Sin i Sin r Sin i/ Sin r
  • Evaluate sin i/ sin r for every incident angle i.
  • We get sin i/ sin r as constant 
  • That is the relationship between angle of incidence and angle of refraction. 
  • The ratio of sin i and sin r is called refractive index.

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