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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in English by (84.0k points)

The voices of education inside the poet D. H. Lawrence tell him that it was the fear of the snake that made him refrain from killing him. However, the poet feels that though he was quite afraid of the snake, he did actually feel honoured that a snake had come to seek his hospitality from the deep recesses of the earth. The poet uses repetition to emphasize the fact that the snake may not be as harmful as humans believe. How does the poet demonstrate respect for the other creatures also ? 

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by (67.4k points)
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On one hot summer day, the poet went to fetch a pitcher of water from the trough. But before his arrival a golden colored snake was already quenching his thirst from the trough. The poet was somehow kind and courteous enough to allow the snake to drink water first and he waited for his turn. Meanwhile, he had grown a liking for the snake considering him to be a guest and a representative of God. But somehow a rational feeling overpowered the poet as any ordinary human being would do. He picked up a log and tried to hit and kill the snake, thinking that a snake is dangerous animal which can kill with just one bite. But the snake had no intention of doing so. After drinking water, it immediately departed to its hole. Later, the poet realized his mistake that the fear of the snake had made him do that. The poet emphasizes the fact that the snake may not be as harmful as humans believe. We should have respect for all creatures on the earth because they share our planet and they have equal rights to live on the earth. When animals don’t harm us then why do we kill them for their skin, tusks etc. It is the need of the hour which demands that cruelty towards animals be stopped completely. And also we should not participate in any entertainment shows where animals are used for earning money for example circus, etc. We should give animals the freedom to live in their environment.

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