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in English by (53.6k points)
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Read the following passages and answer the questions given below them:

The Panchayat was held under the old banyan tree. Algu stood up and said, “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God. Let Sahu nominate the head Panch. I will abide by his decision.” Sahu saw his chance and proposed the name of Jumman. Algu’s heart sank and he turned pale. But what could he do ? The moment Jumman became head Panch, he realised his responsibility as judge and the dignity of his office. Could he, seated in that high place, have his revenge now? He thought and thought. No, he must not allow his personal feelings to come in the way of speaking the truth and doing justice.

1. What did Algu say at the beginning of the Panchayat ?

2. Whom did Sahu nominate as the head Panch ?

3. Why did Algu’s heart sank and he turned pale?

4. What did Jumman realise the moment he became head Panch ?

5. Why did Jumman think it was not the right time to take revenge?

1 Answer

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by (53.4k points)
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1. At the beginning of the Panchayat, Algu said that Sahu should nominate the head Panch and he would abide by Sahu’s decision.

2. Sahu nominated Jumman as the head.

3. Algu’s heart sank and he turned pale as Sahu had nominated Jumman as the head Panch.

4. The moment Jumman became the head Panch he realised his responsibility as judge and the dignity of his office.

5. Jumman thought it was not the right time to take revenge as he realised he was sitting at a high place and that he should not allow his personal feelings to come in the way of speaking the truth and doing justice.

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