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in Science by (56.8k points)
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Describe different kinds of asexual reproduction with examples.

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by (56.8k points)
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Different kinds of post-asexual reproduction :

1. Fission.

This is the most common method of asexual reproduction in which an organism is divided into new organisms. It is common in plants and some single-celled organisms such as fungi, some mosses. In this method of reproduction the organism is divided into equal parts. The nucleus is divided into two parts and both parts evolve as individual adult.

2. Budding.

The word bud means small outgrowth. In the process of budding, a small bud grows on the body of the parent organism and when it grows to full size individual, it detaches itself to form a new organism.
Budding is commonly seen in hydra and yeast.

3. Fragmentation.

This type of reproduction occurs commonly in Algae. It appears as green spots in ponds, lakes or other standing water bodies. When abundant water and nutrients are available, they are multiplied by fragmentation. In this method an algae is divided into two or more pieces. Each piece develops into new organisms. This process is repeated many times.

Other examples are Star fish, some Worms, Lichens etc.

4. Spore formation.

Spores are very small, round-shaped structures for asexual reproduction. Spores have a hard outer layer and can stay in the air for a long time. Under favourable conditions, each spore germinates to develop into a new organism. Spore formation occurs in both unicellular and multicellular organisms. Rhizopus, a fungus that grows on bread, is produced by asexual reproduction by spores. Plants such as moss and fern also reproduced by spores.

5. Regeneration.

The organism repairs and enhances its broken limbs in one form or another. New cells replace old or dead cells. The ability of living beings to repair themselves and grow their lost parts is called regeneration. Plants have a higher capacity of regeneration than animals.

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