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in Science by (56.8k points)
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What is pollination ? What are the two types of pollination ? Discuss the different agents of pollination with examples.

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by (56.8k points)
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It is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. The goal of every living organism, including plants, is to create offspring for the next generation. One of the ways that plants can produce offspring is by making seeds. Seeds contain the genetic information to produce a new plant

Types of pollination. There are two types of pollination action:

1. Self-pollination.

This type of pollination occur in asexual flowers, when the pollens of the same flower from the pollen cell (Anther) go to the pollen stem (Stigma) of saffron, this action is called self-pollination, because their genes are similar. This type of pollination is seen in Tomato, mustard etc.

2. Cross-pollination.

In this type of pollination the pollen grains move from the pollen cells (Anther) of one flower to the pollen stalk (Stigma) of another flower. This pollination takes place between the flowers of the same plant or between the flowers of two different plants of same species. In plants cross-pollination is done by air, insects, water and animals.

Various factors of pollination:

1. Air pollination. Many plants are pollinated by wind. With strong winds, pollens of one flower reach the stigma of the other plant. Examples – wheat, cotton, sunflower, millet,

2. Insect pollination. Insects (butterflies and bees) are attracted to flowers because of the color and fragrance of the flowers. Insects help in transferring pollen grains from one flower to another through their feet. Examples are figs, flies, bees etc.

3. Pollination by water. The pollen of the flowers of the plants growing in the water flows with the water and the pollens of the one flower reach the stigma of other flower. Examples are lotus flower, water lily etc.

4. Pollination by animals. Some plants are pollinated with the help of birds and animals like- bats, humming bird and squirrels.

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