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in Computer by (55.1k points)
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What are the characteristics of computer ?

1 Answer

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by (66.4k points)
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Best answer

The main characteristics of computers are as given below :

1. Speed : Computer is a very fast machine. It can do calculation in milliseconds. It can complete days work in seconds. That is why it has reduced human effort.

2. Accuracy : Computer is an accurate machine. It never makes any mistakes. If a mistake is performed in any calculation that is
always due to human error. A computer can do any task repeatedly for thousands of times without any error.

3. Reliability : Reliability means the ability of being trusted. A computer is a reliable machine. We cannot doubt the results given by computers because they are always correct. There is no need of rechecking the results. It gives the same result every time.

4. Diligence : Computer never gets tired. It can do work for many days or even for years. During this time its efficiency does not decrease and neither it commits errors after long working. In fact, a computer is a hardworking machine.

5. Automation : Automation means to do the work automatically. Computers can be instructed to do the work without any interaction. He can be given the instructions and the computer can do work without asking anything. We just need to start the computer and ask him to do the particular work. After that it will do the whole work without asking anything.

6. Storage : The storage capacity of computers is very large. It can attach many storage devices such as hard disk, pen drive at 17 to it. it can store any type of data such as text, audio, video animation in it. We can also store the storage capacity of computers. Computers store data for a very long time.

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