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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Accounts by (52.2k points)
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Munish was running the business of readymade garments as was having bank account with SBI, Delhi Branch. His accountant, Gaurav went on leave for a month and when he came back he found that Cash Book balance was not tallying with Pass Book balance as on September 30, 2022. Gaurav approached to Munish to discuss the problem but Munish said that you please do it on your own by making necessary statement. Gaurav found out the following points due to which balances of both the books were not being tallied.

(i) During the month, cheques totalling ₹ 20,000 were issued out of which only ₹ 12,000 were presented for payment. 

(ii) During the month, cheques totalling ₹ 30,000 were deposited in bank out of which only ₹ 24,000 were credited by bank.

(iii) Bank charged ₹ 1,000 during the month for various reasons 

(iv) Interest allowed by Bank for period of three months was ₹ 2,000 which was not recorded in Cash Book. 

(v) A customer has directly deposited ₹ 10,000 in Bank Account but intimation was not received. 

From the above hypothetical Case study, answer the following questions. 

(a) Name the Statement to be prepared by Gaurav for above difference between Cash Book and Pass Book balances. 

(b) If balance as per Cash Book is starting balance, then how will you treat point (i) 

(c) If balance as per Pass Book is starting balance, then how will you treat point (ii) 

(d) If balance as per Cash Book is starting balance, then how will you treat point (iii) 

(e) If balance as per Pass Book is starting balance, then how will you treat point (iv) 

(f) If balance as per Cash Book is starting balance, then how will you treat point (v)

1 Answer

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by (51.8k points)
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a) Bank Reconciliation Statement 

b) ₹ 8,000 will be added 

c) ₹ 6,000 will be added 

d) ₹ 1,000 will be subtracted 

e) ₹ 2,000 will be subtracted 

f) ₹ 10,000 will be added

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