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in History by (119k points)
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Write a note on the fibres used for making clothes.

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by (113k points)
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With the invention of new fibres, people started different types of clothes. Due to change in weather and under the influence of cultural, social, political, economic and religious trends, there came continuous changes in the clothing of people which is continued even till today.

To know about the history of clothing, it is necessary to know abo different fibres whose description is given below :

  1. Woollen Cloth: Wool is made of fibre which is made up of particular cells of the skin. Wool is taken from sheep, yaks, goats, rabbits, etc. Merino wool is considered the best wool. The remains of woollen clothes, were found from the Egyption, Babylonian and Indus Valley civilizations. It refers that people also wore woollen clothes.
  2. Silk Cloth: Silk cloth is made from the fibres prepared by silkworms. Actually, a silkworm prepares a cocoon for its security which is made of its saliva, silkthread is prepared from this cocoon. Mostly silkworms are nurtured on mulberry trees. China was the first country to develop the technique of’making silk cloth.
  3. Cotton Cloth: Cotton cloth is made up of cotton. India are wearing cotton clothes since ages. There are some historical evidences which reveal us that people in olden times were cotton clothes. Many cotton clothes have been found while excavating the sites of Indus. Valley civilisation. Rigvedic Hymns also refer to cotton.
  4. Artificial Fibre: An Englishman, Robert Hook, thought making artificial fibre. Later on, a French scientist also wrote about it, but did not give it a material shape. In 1842, another Englishman Louis Subab invented a machine to make cloth from artificial fibre. Artificial fibre, mulberry, rubber, alcohol, fat, raisins and some other vegetations are used to prepare artificial fibre. Cotton is widely used in India and Terrycot is made from polyster.

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