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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Biology by (30 points)
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Preparing model of representing various horizon in the soil profile using disposed plastic bottle stones and draw the diagram and write the procedure to follow to prepare the model.

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1 Answer

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by (57.0k points)

1. Take soil from your surroundings, clean d: posable plastic bottle and homemade paper funnel.

2. Pour the soil into the funnel putting it on the plastic bottle.

3. Now pour some water into the bottle upto its neck. Close the end of the bottle and shake it well. The heavier particles like gravel and sand settle to the bottom of the bottle, wait for a day to get all the soil particles to settle down in the bottle.

4. After one day, you may observe that heavier particles like gravel settle at the bottom of the bottle. Above that you may find sand particles. Just above the sand particles, you may find very finer particles on the top of the bottle you will find humus floating on the surface of the water.

5. From the top, first you find humus, the plant and animal organic matter which helps the growth of plants.

6. Just below the hurhus, you find clay. Clay traps the water in the soil for the roots to absorb them.

7. Below the clay, sand and gravel, they help to drain the water quickly so that the roots don’t rot.

8. Basing on the percentage of each individual component loam soils may be classified into sandy loam, silty loam and clay loam.

9. Here, the soil taken for this project is sandy loam. Like this way, we can determine the type of soils in our surroundings.

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