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in English by (23.9k points)
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Essay on Smart City in 500 Words.

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by (21.9k points)

Smart city : Smart city interconnects the world’s systems and makes the world more intelligent.

The concept of a smart city aims to investigate the implications of smart solutions for sustainable development and smart solutions in the city. These solutions mainly concentrate on the core area of the city’s administration, education, health, transportation etc.

The idea of a smart city has been introduced to highlight the importance of Information and Communication Technologies ( ICT’s) in the past 20 years for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of industrialization. In literal terms, the smart city is used to specify a city’s ability to cater to the needs of citizens. Development of city and quality of life are profoundly influenced by the core systems of a city: transport, education, and government services; public safety and health. Research has focused on these four areas, which identity having high priority.

The literature review highlights that various criteria referring to improve life in a city are mentioned in connection to the terms of a smart city. The most important area for starting to transform a city into a smart one in the system of communication; thus, this area prioritizes the use of modern transport technologies. Smart transformation system works as a highway between the development of city and modern technologies.

The term smart city is also used in the literature regarding the education of its citizen. Therefore, a smart city has smart inhabitants in terms of its educational criterion. The intelligent system represents the future processes of education. This system will affect how the information is received, used, understand, and learned by users. In other, the literature the term smart city is also referred to the relation between the city’s governance or public administration and its citizen.  Good governance is a communication for the citizens, e.g. “ e-governance” or “ e- democracy”.

The health system is like a good solution for a smart city snd this implies to use modern technologies to better the results. The smart health system ensures timely diagnosis thus improving the life of the patients. The concept of the ubiquitous city has been developed into huge international research. It is also known a U-city . a model of a smart city is based on the usage of computer systems to exchange data such as cloud computing, open data etc.

The term smart city has attracted a lot of attention in these recent years. Since the end of the last century, many cities have initiated smart city planning. The first step for the establishment of the smart city is based on the physical telecommunication network infrastructure. The second layer constitutes applications that improve operation in the city like traffic control, etc., the third is based on connectivity and unity of all.

There are a lot of advantages to this new system: energy and other natural resources are spent more efficiently, and the tasks of synchronization are much easier to accomplish. We are now able to identify a lot of smart city in different levels of development, and this concept can be used to define urbanization based on modern technologies.

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