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in English by (21.9k points)

Essay on God Helps Those Who Help Themselves in 500 Words.

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1 Answer

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by (23.9k points)

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves : God will help us give a sense of directions and purpose in life.

Ever since mankind came into existence, we have started to believe in unnatural and spiritual powers of nature. Different religions believe in different gods and each of them has a different perception about god. In some religions, the man himself is god, in some animals are gods, in some trees are considered as god and in some emptiness (vacuum) is considered as god. Bhagavadgita teaches us that God exists everywhere, in small ants to big trees, and not just in temples.

But have you ever seen any reading in any religious scriptures which says that God will magically solve all your problems while you sit there doing nothing?

Some people have this wrong assumption that god will help them no matter what just because they have prayed to him, or maybe performed pooja in a temple. If that was the case, then everyone who prays and performs poojas should have got into IITs and IIMs. If God would help everyone irrespective of their hard work, then why would people slog for hours together and work hard to clear competitive exams or earn their hard-earned money? Our planet wouldn’t be what it is if God was actually what people assume him to be.

What we need to understand is, the belief in God will help us in finding the direction of our goals and ambitions. To put it in a better example, your dad can buy you a car and give you the route map to your destinations and guide you in how to drive, but at the end of the day, it is you who has to learn to drive the car and not your dad. Similarly, all God does is give us energy and confidence to reach our goals. It is us who has to work hard to reach our destinations. God helps those who help themselves and if people don’t work hard, then they blame god saying that it is all his play.

But there is one fundamental question that humanity has asked for a long time now?

Does God exist?


Why do we believe in god?

It depends on what you think of god as. Christianity believes Jesus as a god, Hinduism believes in many gods with supernatural powers, Islam does not believe in the embodiment of god’s imagery. Certain tribes in forest areas consider forests and trees as there god. There are atheists who do not believe in God at all? Which god will help you with what? Which god is the best?

These are certain unnecessary question that human beings fight about without realising that the real god is one and it lies in our hard work. Every religion teaches us the same thing that god helps those who help themselves, but we as human being circumvent that teaching and has taken it out of context for our unfounded selfish beliefs.

Does this all mean only your god helps achieve things? Or does it mean an atheist will never achieve anything in life?

Belief in god depend on people to people and it actually has nothing to do with your outcome in life. Coming to our second question, why do we believe in god, we believe in god because it gives a sense of purpose, direction and spiritual pleasure. A belief that there exists an unknown supernatural power who will protect us will give us a sense of relief and reassurance of life.

That spiritual power will, in turn, give us peace of mind and will help us propagate through lives challenges with better preparedness. Our belief in God will help us prepare better for life but at the end of the day, we will have to fight our own battles. God will not fight our battles for us and surely god helps those who help themselves.

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