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in Computer by (141k points)
Learn how to use the Excel subtraction operator effectively - Boost your spreadsheet skills with our step-by-step guide. Master subtracting numbers and dates in Excel for accurate calculations.

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by (141k points)

Excel Subtraction Operator

In Microsoft Excel, the subtraction operator (-) is used to perform subtraction operations on numerical values. You can subtract numbers in various ways, including subtracting two manual entries, subtracting using cell references, and using absolute references.

Subtracting Two Manual Entries

This is the simplest form of subtraction in Excel, where you directly enter the numbers you want to subtract.

Step 1: Open Excel

  • Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer.

Step 2: Enter Data

  • In a cell, type the first number you want to subtract.
  • In another cell, type the second number you want to subtract.

Step 3: Perform Subtraction

  • In a third cell, where you want the result to appear, type = (the equal sign).
  • Then, select the cell containing the first number.
  • Next, type - (the subtraction operator).
  • Finally, select the cell containing the second number.


Suppose you want to subtract 5 from 10. You would do the following:

  • In cell A1, type 10.
  • In cell B1, type 5.
  • In cell C1, enter the formula =A1-B1.
  • Cell C1 will display 5, which is the result of subtracting 5 from 10.

Step by step:

  1. Type A1(=)
  2. Type 100-50
  3. Hit enter

Subtracting Using Two Cells

In many cases, you'll subtract numbers stored in cells rather than typing them directly into a formula.

Step 1: Enter Data

  • In one cell, enter the first number.
  • In another cell, enter the second number.

Step 2: Perform Subtraction

  • In a third cell, where you want the result, enter the formula =, then click on the cell containing the first number.
  • Type - (the subtraction operator).
  • Click on the cell containing the second number.


Suppose you have values in cells A1 and A2 (10 and 5 respectively) that you want to subtract. You would do the following:

  • In cell A1, enter 10.
  • In cell A2, enter 5.
  • In cell A3, enter the formula =A1-A2.
  • Cell A3 will display 5, which is the result of subtracting 5 from 10.

Let's add some numbers to work with. Type the following values:

Subtracting using two cells, step by step:

  1. Type A3(=)
  2. Select A1
  3. Type (-)
  4. Select A2
  5. Hit enter

Subtracting Using Many Cells

You can also subtract values from multiple cells in Excel. This is useful when you need to subtract a series of numbers.

Step 1: Enter Data

  • Enter the numbers you want to subtract in a column or row.

Step 2: Perform Subtraction

  • In a cell where you want the result, enter the formula =, then select the first cell in the series.
  • Type - (the subtraction operator).
  • Select the cell with the next number you want to subtract.
  • Press Enter.


Suppose you have values in cells A1 to A5 (10, 5, 3, 8, and 2 respectively) that you want to subtract sequentially. You would do the following:

  • In cell B1, enter the formula =A1-A2.
  • Copy the formula in cell B1 and paste it in cells B2 to B5.
  • Cells B1 to B5 will display the results of subtracting each value from the next.

Let's subtract using many cells. First, type the following values:

Step by step:

  1. Type B1(=)
  2. Select A1
  3. Type (-)
  4. Select A2
  5. Type (-)
  6. Select A3
  7. Type (-)
  8. Select A4
  9. Type (-)
  10. Select A5
  11. Hit enter

Subtracting Using Absolute Reference

Absolute references are used when you want to subtract a fixed value from a series of cells, and you don't want the reference to change as you copy the formula.

Step 1: Enter Data

  • Enter the value you want to subtract in a cell.

Step 2: Perform Subtraction with Absolute Reference

  • In a cell where you want the result, enter the formula =, then type the dollar sign $ before the column and row reference of the cell containing the value you want to subtract. For example, if the value is in cell A1, the formula would be =$A$1.
  • Type - (the subtraction operator).
  • Select the cell containing the number you want to subtract.


Suppose you have a fixed value of 5 in cell A1, and you want to subtract it from a series of numbers in cells B1 to B5. You would do the following:

  • In cell C1, enter the formula =$A$1-B1.
  • Copy the formula in cell C1 and paste it in cells C2 to C5.
  • Cells C1 to C5 will display the results of subtracting 5 from each value in cells B1 to B5.

Let's have a look at an example where we subtract B(5) from the range A1:A10 using absolute reference and fill function.

Type the values:

Step by step:

  1. Type C1(=)
  2. Select A1
  3. Type (-)
  4. Select B1 and type dollar sign before column and row $B$1
  5. Hit enter
  6. Fill C1:C10

In conclusion, Excel's subtraction operator can be used in various ways to subtract numbers, whether they are manually entered, stored in cells, or require absolute references to fixed values. These techniques can help you perform subtraction operations efficiently in Excel.

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by (141k points)

FAQs on Excel Subtraction Operator

Q: What is the subtraction operator in Excel?

A: The subtraction operator in Excel is represented by the hyphen (-) symbol. It is used to subtract one number from another in a formula or cell.


=A1 - B1

Q: How do I subtract two cell values in Excel?

A: To subtract the values of two cells in Excel, use the subtraction operator within a formula.


  • If cell A1 contains 10 and cell B1 contains 5, the formula =A1 - B1 will result in 5.

Q: Can I subtract constants in Excel without using cells?

A: Yes, you can subtract constants directly in Excel formulas.


  • To subtract 7 from 15, you can use the formula =15 - 7, which will result in 8.

Q: How can I subtract a range of cells in Excel?

A: To subtract values in a range of cells, you can use the SUM function along with the subtraction operator.


  • If cells A1 through A5 contain numbers, you can use the formula =SUM(A1:A5) - B1 to subtract the sum of A1:A5 from the value in cell B1.

Q: What happens if I subtract a negative number in Excel?

A: When you subtract a negative number in Excel, it is effectively the same as adding a positive number.


  • If cell A1 contains 10 and cell B1 contains -5, the formula =A1 - B1 will result in 15.

Q: Can I use the subtraction operator with other functions in Excel?

A: Yes, you can combine the subtraction operator with various Excel functions to perform more complex calculations.


  • You can use the formula =SUM(A1:A5) - AVERAGE(B1:B5) to subtract the average of values in cells B1:B5 from the sum of values in cells A1:A5.

Q: How can I handle errors or blanks when subtracting values in Excel?

A: You can use the IFERROR function to handle errors or use the IF function to handle blanks or specific conditions before performing subtraction.


  • =IF(ISNUMBER(A1) AND ISNUMBER(B1), A1 - B1, "Error") will subtract A1 from B1 if both cells contain numbers; otherwise, it will display "Error."

Q: Are there any limitations to using the subtraction operator in Excel?

A: The subtraction operator in Excel has no specific limitations, but you should be aware of issues related to precision when dealing with very large or very small numbers.

Remember that Excel follows the standard order of operations (BODMAS/BIDMAS), so be mindful of parentheses when working with complex formulas involving subtraction along with other arithmetic operations.

Important Interview Questions and Answers on Excel Subtraction Operator

Q: How do you subtract values in Excel using the subtraction operator?

You can subtract values in Excel using the subtraction operator (-) by simply typing the formula in a cell with the format =A1 - A2, where A1 and A2 are the cell references or values you want to subtract.

Q: Can you explain the order of operations when using the subtraction operator in Excel?

In Excel, mathematical operations follow the standard order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS): Parentheses/Brackets, Exponents/Orders (i.e., ^), Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right). So, if there are multiple subtraction operations in a formula, they will be executed from left to right.

Q: How do you subtract cells with data from different worksheets in Excel?

To subtract cells from different worksheets in Excel, you can use a formula like this:

=Sheet1!A1 - Sheet2!B2

In this example, we are subtracting the value in cell A1 of Sheet1 from the value in cell B2 of Sheet2.

Q: Can you subtract dates in Excel using the subtraction operator?

Yes, you can subtract dates in Excel using the subtraction operator. Excel stores dates as serial numbers, so subtracting one date from another will give you the difference in days. For example:

=B2 - A2

This formula will give you the number of days between the dates in cells A2 and B2.

Q: How can you subtract numbers with conditions or criteria in Excel?

You can subtract numbers with conditions in Excel using functions like IF. For example, to subtract the value in cell A1 from cell B1 only if it meets a certain condition (e.g., if it's greater than 10), you can use this formula:

=IF(B1 > 10, B1 - A1, 0)

This formula subtracts A1 from B1 if B1 is greater than 10; otherwise, it returns 0.

Q: Can you subtract non-numeric values (text) using the subtraction operator in Excel?

No, the subtraction operator (-) cannot be used directly to subtract non-numeric values (text) in Excel. It's designed for numerical calculations. Attempting to subtract text will result in an error.

Example code for subtracting numbers:

Let's say you have the following data in Excel:

  • Cell A1 contains the value 10.
  • Cell A2 contains the value 5.

You can subtract these values with the subtraction operator as follows:

In cell A3, enter the formula: =A1 - A2

The result in cell A3 will be 5, which is the difference between 10 and 5.

Remember that Excel follows the standard mathematical rules for subtraction, and you can use cell references or actual values in your subtraction formulas.

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