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in Geography by (44.8k points)
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Identify the following statements as True or False and state the reasons behind your response.

a) Integrated Tribal Development Project in Bharmaur Region is an example of the transition of the geographical theories of environmental determinism to possibilism.

b) In the Indira Gandhi Canal (Nahar) Command Area, five out of the seven implementation measures aim to promote ecological sustainability in these areas. This illustrates a shift from neo-determinism to environmental determinism in geographical theories.

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by (44.9k points)
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a) True 

Environmental determinism is the belief that the physical environment is the primary factor that determines human development. Possiblism, on the other hand, is the belief that humans have the ability to modify their natural environment to suit their needs but also acknowledges that the environment can impose constraints on human activities. The Integrated Tribal Development Project in Bharmaur Region is an example of how humans have modified their natural environment to suit their needs. The project has helped to improve the lives of the tribal people in the region by providing them with access to education, healthcare, and other essential services.

b) False

The fact that five out of the seven implementation measures in the Indira Gandhi Canal (Nahar) Command Area aim to promote ecological sustainability suggests that the project is taking a neo-deterministic approach. This is because the project is acknowledging the importance of protecting the environment and ensuring that future generations can benefit from it. However, the project is not abandoning the idea of human modification of the natural environment. The project is still designed to improve the lives of the people in the region, and it is still using technology to achieve its goals. Therefore, the project cannot be considered an example of the transition from neo-determinism to environmental determinism. It is more accurately seen as an example of how neo-determinism can be used to achieve sustainable development goals.

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